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Sunday, November 30, 2008
Deraan Majikan: Nirmala Dapat Keadilan

Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur pada 27 November telah membuat keputusan bahawa majikan mangsa dera, Yim Pek Ha (40) didapati bersalah dan dikenakan hukuman penjara 18 tahun.
Hukuman tersebut dijatuhkan ke atas Yim selepas Nirmala pada 17 Mei 2004 telah berjaya melarikan diri daripada kurungan majikannya dan membuat laporan polis.
Menurut laporan polisnya, Nirmala melaporkan bahawa beliau telah didera dengan teruk oleh majikannya Yim Pek Ha, 40 seorang suri rumahtangga.
Yim telah di didakwa mencederakan pembantu rumahnya dengan teruk secara sukarela dengan menggunakan seterika dua kali pada Januari dan April 2004.
Selain itu, Yim juga didapati bersalah mencurahkan air mendidih pada Mac 2004 dan menggunakan cawan keluli untuk memukul Nirmala pada 3pm, 17 Mei 2004.
Kesemua kesalahan tersebut berlaku di kediaman Yim di kondominium Villa Putera di Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur.
Sepatutnya hukuman penjara 54 tahun iaitu 18 tahun bagi setiap kesalahan, tetapi Hakim memerintahkan bahawa kesemua hukuman berjalan serentak.
Walau bagaimanapun, tertuduh dibebaskan daripada pertuduhan menyebabkan keceraan parah terhadap Nirmala dengan menggunakan cawan besi pada jam 3 petang, 17 Mei 2004.
Hakim Akhthar dalam penghakimannya berkata perlakuan Yim tidak berperikemanusiaan dan tidak boleh diterima oleh masyarakat.
“Kecederaan dilakukan berkali-kali oleh tertuduh terhadap mangsa menunjukkan tingkah laku penyeksa yang tidak boleh diterima dalam masyarakat,” ujar Hakim lagi.
Mengambil komen dari Penasihat Parlimen Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) Lim Kit Siang, beliau menyifatkan tahap rakyat Malaysia sekarang lebih rendah daripada pekerja.
Sambil tergelak sinis, Lim berkata tingkahlaku beberapa menteri kabinet dengan kononnya terperanjat dengan keadaan yang berlaku terhadap Nirmala pada tahun 2004 sebagai lakonan.
Lim mendakwa menteri-menteri khususnya Menteri Dalam Negeri (Noh Omar – pada ketika itu) dan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita dan Masyarakat (Shahrizat Abdul Jalil – pada ketika itu) tidak melakukan tanggungjawab mereka dalam membendung jenayah di Malaysia.
Lim juga mengkritik Menteri Kebudayaan, Seni dan Warisan, Datuk Seri Utama Rais Yatim dalam bukunya ‘Freedom under Executive Power in Malaysia’ yang menyebut antara lain bahawa “seseorang itu tidak bersalah sehingga dibuktikan” bahawa kes yang berlaku terhadap Nirmala tidak ada kena-mengena dengan prinsip yang diutarakan di dalam bukunya.
Cederakan Diri Sendiri
Semasa perbicaraan 22 Mac lalu, Yim menafikan melakukan perkara terkutuk itu. Ibu yang mempunyai empat anak memberitahu mahkamah pada waktu itu bahawa Nirmala mencederakan dirinya sendiri berkemungkinan Akhthar juga memberitahu bahawa melalui kenyataan saksi, Nirmala tidak mencederakan dirinya sendiri. Sungguhpun terdapat saksi pakar, namun Yim sendiri tidak dapat menafikan bahawa dia pernah menampar Nirmala semasa waktu bertugas.
Hakim merujuk kepada kenyataan Dr John Andrew Munro Gall, 53, dari Australia yang dipanggil mahkamah untuk memberi keterangan. Perbicaraan pada 16 April 2008 lalu menyaksikan Gall memberitahu mahkamah sesyen bahawa mangsa berkemungkinan telah mencederakan dirinya sendiri pada situasi di mana mangsa tersebut mempunyai psikologi yang tidak normal.
Beliau yang merupakan Pengarah Australian Forensic & Medico-Legal Consultants Southern Medical Services Pty Ltd yang juga saksi kedua pembela, mendakwa pendapatnya menjadi lebih kukuh apabila mendapati kesan kecederaan yang dialami Nirmala jelas membuktikan ia tidak menyokong keterangan yang diberikan kepada mahkamah.
"Seperti saya katakan, saya pernah mengendalikan kes membabitkan seorang lelaki memotong jari dan telinga sendiri, selain seorang lagi pesakit sanggup membakar jarinya bagi memuaskan dirinya.
"Jika seseorang itu normal, sudah semestinya dia akan menghalang dirinya dari dicederakan apatah lagi mencederakan dirinya," katanya.
Melihat kepada kecederaan yang dialami Nirmala, bahagian-bahagian badan yang mengalami kecederaan teruk tidak dapat dicapai tangan sendiri, Hakim terus menolak dakwaan yang mengatakan mangsa telah mencederakan dirinya sendiri.
“Nirmala telah konsisten dalam kenyataannya, sejak beliau dijumpai pengawal semasa melarikan diri,” terang Akhthar.
Latabelakang kes
Perjalanan kes deraan pembantu rumah Nirmala Bonat (19 tahun semasa kes berlaku) berlangsung selama 110 hari dalam tempoh empat setengah tahun.
Yim memulakan keterangan dengan mengatakan keburukan serta kekurangan Nirmala dalam menjalankan tugasnya di rumah yang tidak sempurna.
Sejak beliau membuat laporan polis, Nirmala ditempatkan di tempat perlindungan di Pejabat Kedutaan Besar Indonesia sehingga Januari 2008. Disebabkan proses perbicaraan yang memakan masa panjang, Nirmala telah memohon untuk pulang ke negaranya.
MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture) sebuah badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan pada 7 September 2007 kerana melewatkan perbicaraan. Perbicaraan kes ini telah berjalan selama 110 hari. MADPET mengesyorkan bahawa kes-kes seperti Nirmala dan melibatkan warga asing khususnya pelancong asing sepatutnya diberikan keutamaan dalam memastikan keadilan terjamin.
Akibat dari itu, terpaksa pulang ke negara asal mereka kerana tidak dapat menunggu bertahun selepas semua proses penghakiman selesai dan akhirnya, pesalah akan dibebaskan.
MADPET juga mengecam pihak kerajaan yang tidak menawarkan tempat perlindungan malah menyerahkan kepada pihak kedutaan. Bagi organisasi ini, tanggungjawab sepatutnya dipikul oleh pihak kerajaan sendiri.
Menurut Artikel 8 Perlembagaan Persekutuan, kerajaan menjamin setiap insan sama rata tanpa merujuk kepada taraf kerakyatan.
Kesemua kesalahan tersebut berlaku di kediaman Yim di kondominium Villa Putera di Jalan Tun Ismail, Kuala Lumpur.
Kes ini juga telah mencatat sejarah dalam perundangan Malaysia bilamana seorang pesalah dikenakan tiga hukuman di bawah Seksyen 326 Kanun Keseksaan bagi kesalahan atas mangsa yang sama.
Kes ini menjadi kejutan kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia dan Indonesia apabila gambar Nirmala yang hanya bekerja selama lima bulan bersama majikannya disiarkan pada 2004 yang bersisik-sisik luka akibat didera majikan.
Kesalahan Lain ke atas Pekerja Asing
Kes-kes lain selain daripada deraan fizikal seperti yang berlaku ke atas Nirmala ialah gaji yang tidak dibayar seperti yang termaktub di dalam kontrak. Seperti lazim, pekerja-pekerja asing telah melabur demi untuk mendapat pekerjaan bagi menanggung keluarga di kampong. Ada di antara mereka juga yang meminjam wang untuk datang ke Malaysia.
Pekerja-pekerja asing sering mengadu bahawa mereka tidak disediakan dengan tempat tinggal yang memadai. Antara kes-kes yang pernah dilaporkan ialah mereka dipaksa untuk tinggal bersesak-sesakan di dalam sebuah bilik, dalam keadaan yang kotor. Keadaan sedemikian sering mengundang kepada penyakit berjangkit. Ada juga yang maut atas keadaan sedemikian.
Terdapat juga kes di mana kemalangan berlaku ke atas buruh-buruh asing ini atas persekitaran yang merbahaya. Mereka sepatutnya dibayar pampasan atas kemalangan sedemikian tetapi malangnya, berdasarkan kebanyakan kes, mereka dihantar pulan ke Negara masing-masing.
Pihak penguatkuasa pula sering menjalankan operasi penangkapan buruh-buruh asing. Tindakan sedemikian sering menggugat kehidupan mereka.
Menurut Duta Indonesia di Malaysia, Rusdihardjo, dalam jangamasa empat tahun kebelakangan ini, pejabat beliau telah menerima sebanyak 26 kes penderaan terhadap pembantu rumah.
Majikan di Malaysia juga tidak dikehendaki untuk memenuhi piawai minimum kecuali perkara-perkara yang terkandung di dalam perjanjian bersama (MOU) di antara Malaysia-Indonesia. Justeru, ramai pekerja-pekerja domestik tidak diberikan cuti oleh majikan mereka.
Agen-agen juga sering lari dari tanggungjawab apabila pekerja-pekerja domestik ini diserahkan kepada majikan masing-masing.
Sehubungan dengan kes terebut,pegawai-pegawai tinggi Indonesia dan kumpulan hak asasi manusia berterusan mendesak agar kerajaan Malaysia memperketatkan pekerja-pekerja asing yang seramai lebih kurang 1.1 juta yang kini berada di Malaysia.
Setelah diteliti konvensyen antarabangsa, Malaysia tidak meratifikasi Konvensyen Antarabangsa Hak Perlindungan Pekerja Asing dan Ahli Keluarga Mereka dari Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu pada 1990 dan memastikan pelaksanaan penuhnya.
Labels: indonesia, nirmala bonat
Friday, November 28, 2008
Ahli Parlimen Kuala Terengganu mati mengejut

Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran Datuk Razali Ismail meninggal dunia di Institut Aminuddin Baki, Genting Highlands kira-kira 6.30 petang tadi.
Perkara itu disahkan oleh Ketua Pengarah Pelajaran Datuk Alimuddin Mohd Dom ketika dihubungi Bernama hari ini.
Beliau merupakan ahli parlimen Kuala Terengganu selama dua penggal berturut-turut.
Difahamkan Razali, 59, rebah etika bermain badminton di institut itu.
Dalam pilihanraya umum Mac lalu, beliau menewaskan Naib Presiden PAS, Mohamad Sabu dan calon bebas, Maimun Yusuf.
Razali menang dengan majoriti tipis 628 undi. Allahyarham mendapat 32,562 undi, manakala Mohamad memperolehi 31,934 undi.
Maimun, seorang nenek yang dipercayai calon paling tua, pula mendapat 685 undi.
Allahyarham menghadiri sesi pemukiman dua hari bagi pemimpin Umno Terengganu di situ yang bermula hari ini.
Alimuddin berkata jenazah Allahyarham akan dibawa ke Hospital Bentong, ahang.
Razali meninggalkan seorang isteri Datin Nooraini Lob Yusoff dan lima
difahamkan, jenazah Allahyarham akan dibawa pulang ke kampungnya di Terengganu malam ini.
Susulan kematian beliau, pilihanraya kecil akan diadakan dalam tempoh 60 hari.
Labels: mohamad sabu
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Muzium Fatahillah – Satu Lagi Kekejaman Penjajah
Tanggal 22 November lalu, aku mengambil masa melawat sebuah muzim peninggalan penjajah belanda di Indonesia.Muzium Fatahillah yang terletak di bahagian selatan Jakarta ialah asalnya istana menginap bagi Gabenor pada waktu itu.
Muzium itu dibina sekitar kurun ke 16 iaitu semasa penjajahan Belanda (1619-1942). Pada ketika itu Jakarta dikenali sebagai Batavia. Sebelumnya, ia dikenali sebagai Sunda Kalapa (397-1527), Jayakarta (1527-1619) digunakan selepas pendudukan Jepun pada Perang Dunia Kedua.
Peninggalan Belanda ini jelas dilihat pada reka bentuk bangunan di sekitar Kota dan Sunda Kalapa. Malah, menurut peta asal, ada satu kawasan kota ini dinamakan sebagai Melaka, empayar yang pernah dijajah oleh kuasa Eropah itu pada suatu ketika.
Muzium yang teletak di sebuah kawasan dipanggil Taman Fatahillah. Kawasan ini dataran menempatkan beberapa bangunan pentadbiran Belanda pada abad ke-18. Muzium Sejarah Jakarta yang asalnya Stadhuys atau Town Hall of Batavia, kini mempamerkan potret gabenor terdahulu dan perabot antik pada zaman kegemilangan Belanda.
Di kawasan pentadbiran tersebut juga ditempatkan tahanan-tahanan politik dan orang awam yang gagal membayar atau tidak mampu membayar cukai kepada kerajaan belanda.
Di bawah tanah bangunan menginapnya Gabenor (pada waktu itu Gabenor Coen yang merupakan Gabenor yang paling zalim di era penjajahan Belanda di Indonesia), ditempatkan tiga sel; dua untuk lelaki dan sebuah sel untuk wanita.
Saiz bagi sel lelaki amat kecil iaitu sekitar 8x4 meter termasuk tempat tidur dan membuang. Tahanan lelaki akan dirantaikan dengan bebola besi pada setiap waktu.
Saiz bagi sel wanita lebih kecil dengan keluasan yang sama tetapi 1.5 meter tinggi. Pada lazimnya, wanita akan ditahan selama setahun (maksima). Selepas mereka dibebaskan, mereka samada mengalami kegagalan otot kaki untuk bergerak dan virus penyakit. Kebanyakan daripada mereka akan membunuh diri selepas dibebaskan. Ramai juga tahanan wanita yang menjadi hamba seks kepada pengawal-pengawal yang ada di bilik bersebelahan.
Jalan masuk ke sel wanita
Sel lelaki yang sempit. Di dalam sel ini diletakkan peluru meriam yang dijumpai di sekitar Jakarta
Tahanan wanita disimpan selalunya selepas gagal untuk mencari lelaki sebagai ketua rumah yang selalunya sudah melarikan diri.
Perigi Maut
Terdapat dua kaedah lain yang digunakan oleh pihak penjajah Belanda pada ketika itu selain daripada menggantung di hadapan khalayak ramai.
Tempat tahanan politik dilemaskan dan diseksa
Di kawasan tengah kawasan pentadbiran, terdapat sebuah lubang seperti perigi. Perigi buatan manusia itu digunakan untuk membunuh tahanan politik dengan pelbagai alasan. Pada satu-satu masa, seramai lapan orang akan dimasukkan ke dalam perigi tersebut dan dicurahkan air setinggi 3 meter. Kemudiannya, mereka diseksa dengan memasukkan lintah.
Selepas semuanya mati, penghadang air akan dibuka dan mayat-mayat mangsa akan mengalir keluar ke laut yang pada ketika itu sejauh 100 meter.
Di hadapan luar sudut kanan pentadbiran juga terdapat sebuah lagi longkang besar yang boleh memuatkan kira-kira lapan orang dan menggunakan kaedah yang sama.
Sebuah lagi tempat seksaan
Aku teruja apabila melawat muzim seperti ini. Semasa aku di Jerman, aku juga berpeluang melawat sebuah penempatan di mana tahanan-tahanan politik diseksa.
Kamar-kamar Coen
Kami dibawa ke tingkat atas bangunan di mana tedapat lima kamar; sebuah untuk Coen, kamar anak, dewan makan untuk pelawat, dewan makan untuk anak-anak dan ruang umum sperti koridor untuknya berucap dengan penduduk di sekitar kawasan tersebut.
Kamar tidur anak-anak Gabenor
Di tingkat atas dari kamar tidur Coen tedapat tangga yang yang menuju ke loteng yang diletakkan loceng besar.
Kamar Coen yang mempunyai pintu ke loteng berhantu
Khabarnya, loteng tersebut berhantu kerana isteri Coen dan sorang lagi membunuh diri mereka di tempat itu.
Kurator muzium itu juga dengan senang mambawa kai melihat koleksi-koleksi barang purba yang dijumpai di sekitar Jakarta yang dimuatkan di situ. Antaranya, sauh besar (aku tidak dapat bayangkan saiz kapal pada waktu itu dengan saiz sauh sebegitu besar) dan batu-bata selepas beberapa bangunan diletupkan oleh tentera Jepun yang mengambil alih.
Kami juga diceritakan meriam unik seberat 3 tan dimana ia mampu membuatkan wanita yang gagal mendapat anak hamil. Meriam tersebut mampu menembak sejauh 250 meter.
Muzium Wayang
Di muzim wayang yang dahulunya merupakan gereja Belanda ialah tempatnya kepala Coen ditanam – di anak tangga gereja. Ia bertujuan untuk melaknat Gabenor tersebut. Jasadnya lain ditanam di kawasan pentadbiran Belanda.
Nak termuntah aku tengok karakter-karakter wayang kulit di Indonesia. Mentang-mentang mereka mempunyai ratusan budaya suku kaum.
Tempat kepala Coen ditanam
Jakarta sebenarnya kaya dengan bangunan bersejarah. Deretan bangunan lama bertaburan di kawasan pusat bandar, manakala vila milik keluarga kaya Belanda banyak terdapat di Menteng, sekali gus menukar wajah kawasan itu kepada syurga kafe dan barangan antik yang menjadi tumpuan warga asing yang menetap di sana.
Malangnya, kebanyakan muzium ini tidak diselenggara dengan baik sehingga ada kalanya agak menyeramkan. Bagaimanapun, berapa kerat yang sanggup mengharungi kesesakan di utara Jakarta untuk ke kawasan kota, sedangkan daerah pusatnya penuh dengan pelbagai kompleks beli-belah?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Jakarta Kota Reformasi
Seperti sudah dirancang awal, aku dan beberapa wakil dari Malaysia berangkat ke Jakarta untuk menghadiri satu bengkel mengenai pilihan raya.
Bengkel ni bukannya untuk mencari strategi untuk menang pilihan raya tetapi untuk memastikan demokrasi diamalkan dalam pilihan raya sesebuah negara. Maaf, aku tidak dapat jelaskan dalam penulisan ini tentang isi kandungan bengkel, faktor penemuan kami dengan wakil-wakil pemantau dari negara lain.
Selain Malaysia, negara lain yang turut hadir ialah Bangladesh, Kemboja, Filipina, Sri Lanka dan tidak ketinggalan Indonesia sendiri.
Selain aku, Malaysia juga diwakili Wong Chin Huat dan Amin Iskandar.
Di dalam pesawat, kami semuanya tidur kerana semalamam tidak tidur kerana menyiapkan tugasan yang perlu agak urgent.
Layanan cukup bagus. Cuma hotel 5-Bintang, Hotel Borobudur yang aku menginap mahal kadar internetnya. Itu yang membuatkan seseorang bimbang.
Negara seperti Kemboja dan Indonesia agak bangga kerana mereka mempunyai sebuah sistem bagi mengkaji tingkahlaku pengundi di negara mereka.
Mereka dapat memeprolehi data pengundi mereka sungguhpun banyak rintangan geografi dan sebagainya. Bayangkan keadaan di Acheh.
Sungguhpun di Malaysia, sistem teknologi maklumat kita agak maju namun banyak kekangan lain yang menyukarkan kita tidak dapat membuat penilaian seperti mereka.
Aku pun sudah membentangkan sikap serta polisi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) yang menyukarkan badan bebas menjalankan penilaian.
Harap mereka faham bahawa kami bukan membuat alasan kosong.
Jadual agak ketat namun aku tak berasa tekanan. Mungkin sekretariat-sekretariat yang ada menghiburkan, juga fasilitator.
Labels: SPR, Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia
Thursday, November 20, 2008
HISTERIA: Dare to Watch?
A tongue-in-cheek take on popular horror flicks of yesteryears, “Histeria” is a monster-cum- slasher film based on the cultural and popular belief of “Hantu Raya” in Malay Folklore. “Hantu Raya”, is the King of Djins, leader of the underworld legion and those who make alliance with it are considered all powerful. It is a shape shifter and can take on it’s owners shape and can also possess and cause death to others if so ordered.
‘Histeria’ revolves around six students, Murni, Alissa, Tini, Kerek, Marina and Junita, also known as the “Pink Ladies”, the most popular girls in their school. Alissa, the leader; and Murni is the scapegoat, frequently bullied by the rest except for Alissa. Their school is in an isolated area, far away from the hectic lifestyle of town… leading to many bored girls.
This leads them to frequently pull pranks and just before their semester break, they plan the ultimate prank – by pretending to conjure up the Hantu Raya and Tini then pretends to be possessed. Fearing the worst, the teachers call in a ‘bomoh’ (traditional medicine man) to assist. Their prank causes them to be punished and they have to stay back during their break to clean up the school compound. They are placed in a dorm far back in the school and are surprised to find that they are joined by a new student, Zeta, a prefect, who has been assigned to ensure they complete their tasks. The girls, none too pleased, decide that Zeta has to be initiated in the worst possible way to prove her worth to the group.
In the meantime, Junita sees the gardener planting something in the ground, and decides to steal it, a piece of yellow cloth, bone, hair and betel leaf without thinking about the horrible consequences that are about to ensue. Starting from this, the girls are suddenly confronted with the real thing….Gory murders start to happen and one by one the girls are killed. They are separated and alone, with no means to get help. Junita is one of the first to be killed.
At the end of two nights, the only survivor is Murni. Murni is accused of the murders. However the police don’t have enough proof to put Murni on murder charges. Furthermore, she denies it all. But if she is telling the truth.. then who is the real murderer?
At theater near you 18 December 2008.
Monday, November 17, 2008
IGOR - Watch it

A hilarious twist on the classic monster movie, IGOR tells the story of one Igor who’s sick of being a lowly lab assistant with a Yes Masters’ degree and dreams of becoming a scientist. When his cruel master kicks the bucket a week before the annual Evil Science Fair, Igor finally gets his chance.
The film will be released in theaters nationwide on November 20, 2008.
In the Kingdom of Malaria evil is good business. Each year the kingdom hosts an Evil Science Fair showcasing the diabolical Evil Inventions that Malaria’s thirteen evil scientists have spent the year creating. King Malbert, Malaria’s leader, then kindly informs the rest of the world that the winning Evil Invention will be unleashed on them unless they cough up an exorbitant amount of money. So the world pays and Malaria prospers. But it wasn’t always this way.
Once a bright and happy place of fertile fields, Malaria was plunged into darkness when strange clouds moved in and never left, eventually causing the crops to die and Malaria’s citizens to lose hope. However, the business of Evil brought prosperity back to the kingdom, and the Evil Scientists who annually battle each other to produce the winning invention are Malaria’s most prominent citizens. And then there are the Evil Scientist’s trusty lab assistants – also known as Igor’s.
In Malaria if you’re born with a hump on your back you have only one choice – you are sent to Igor School to train for a Yes Masters’ Degree and a life of servitude as a lab assistant to one of Malaria’s Evil Scientists. But one Igor, dissatisfied with living as a slave to his master, Dr. Glickentstein, dares to dream of becoming an Evil Scientist himself and reaping everything that goes with it – the fame, the fortune, and of course the girl. When fate steps in, and Dr. Glickenstein accidentally gets on the wrong side of his own invention, bringing about his own end, Igor seizes his chance and sets out to make his dream come true.
Concealing his master’s demise, and with the help of his own secret experimental creations – Brain, a not so bright brain-in-a-jar, and Scamper, a rabbit with a death wish, who despite his best efforts just can’t die, Igor sets out to build the most evil invention ever - a huge, ferocious Monster, designed to reign terror upon all in its path. Unfortunately, Brain’s well meaning but somewhat inept assistance causes something to go awry and Igor’s evil monster turns out to be a “she” and, unfortunately for Igor, the sweetest thing in the world.
Misunderstanding Igor as he attempts to convince her that she is evil, the Monster calls herself Eva and, to Igor’s further despair, announces that she wants nothing more than to be an actress. With only a week before the Evil Science Fair, Igor is determined to find a way to turn his Monster into the weapon of destruction he intended, and so appealing to Eva’s dreams of stardom he tells her that they must immediately begin rehearsals preparing her to audition for a role in a big musical that requires her to ‘act’ evil. Proclaiming herself up for the part, Eva throws herself into the evil “rehearsals” with her new friends.
As rehearsals progress, Igor – to his horror – begins to fall in love with the big hearted monster, and comes to the realization that being an evil scientist is a whole lot tougher than he had imagined. To make matters worse, Malaria’s reigning Evil Scientist, Dr. Schadenfreude, has discovered Eva and is determined to steal her. A conniving cheater, who year after year manages to win the Science Fair by stealing ideas from other evil scientists, Schadenfreude has decided that this year in addition to claiming the winning invention he is going to take over the throne from King Malbert – and the Monster is going to help him. With the help of his ruthless girlfriend Jaclyn, Schadenfreude sends Igor down the Igor Recycling Chute and steals Eva, determined to complete her evil programming and fulfill his ruthless plan to rule over Malaria.
With his creation stolen and dream of becoming an evil scientist destroyed, Igor is resigned to his fate of the recycling chute, when, defying even their own expectations, Scamper and Brain manage to come to his rescue. Convincing Igor that he can’t give up on his dream yet, the trio set off for the Science Fair to win Eva back, but when Igor uncovers a plot that threatens to destroy their world, he has to prove that heroes come in all shapes and sizes and show Malaria – and Eva – that some dreams are worth pursuing.

At its heart, IGOR is a story of hope and how the most unlikely people can change the world. For screenwriter Chris McKenna, it all began with a simple idea. A lifelong fan of horror films, he set out to create a riff on FRANKENSTEIN and other evil scientist films by flipping that world upside down – turn the slurring, hunchbacked lab assistant into a genius, the evil genius into a fraud, the evil monster into a sweetheart, the brain-in-a-jar to an idiot, and so on. “I got stuck on this notion of a dark, stormy Transylvania-like universe and wanted to explore that setting,” said McKenna. “Then I found myself wondering about Igor – there’s one in every evil scientist film ever made – who is he and where did he come from? What’s his story?”
For director Tony Leondis, McKenna’s slightly twisted take on a classic tale immediately intrigued him and sparked visions of creating a film with a look that was completely unique. Also a life-long fan of horror films, as well as of film noir and German expressionism, Leondis envisioned a world of gothic romanticism that was creepy but accessible and populated with characters and plot points reminiscent of classic gothic novels – the curse on a village, the downtrodden servant turned hero, the innocent girl – all realized with a very strong visual take and wrapped in a modern-day allegory with generous amounts of humor.
“From the first time I read Chris’ script, I just loved everything about it,” said Leondis. “We have the same off-beat, sardonic humor and I was fascinated with the idea of exploring this world and its characters and bringing a unique perspective and look to it.”
To bring the audience into that world and allow them to really connect to the story and its characters, Leondis wanted to give them an entirely new vision of Mad Scientists and Evil Inventions as well as bring in a few subtle parallels and references to current issues. “My goal was to take familiar monster motifs and rearrange them in a surprisingly fun way to evoke the memories that people have of classic monster movies.
Something familiar enough to connect to, but at the same time fresh and unexpected so that it became a fun ride – and maybe makes them think a little along the way.”
To accomplish this, Leondis and McKenna continuously worked on further developing the world of Malaria and its characters. “I feel it got better and stronger as it developed,” said McKenna. “Tony and I really clicked and shared a lot of the same sensibilities and we had an incredible creative team. The final result is a reflection of the talents of everyone involved.”
In a lot of ways, it seemed like a simple story to tell: In a world of evil scientists and hunchbacked Igors, one Igor wants to be a scientist. But as McKenna soon found out, setting up the world was perhaps the hardest thing to conquer.
Besides laying out the deceptively simple concept of Igors, the backstory of why this land became the way it was needed to be explained and an assortment of very particular characters had to be introduced. “We tried a variety of different ways to get all that information out in as entertaining a way as possible,” said McKenna. “It was a very collaborative experience with the director, the producers, and the actors, who brought an insanely deep reservoir of talent to their characters that made each take on a life of its own.”
That deep reservoir was realized in an ensemble cast of incredibly talented actors who form the voice cast of IGOR. Heading up the group as the cute but creepy, Igor, is John Cusack. He is joined by Steve Buscemi as the somewhat morose Scamper; John Cleese as Dr. Glickentsein; Jennifer Coolidge as the sultry Jaclyn; Arsenio Hall as Carl Cristall; Sean Hayes as the irrepressible Brain; Eddie Izzard as Dr. Schadenfreude; Jay Leno as King Malbert, James Lipton as himself, Molly Shannon as Eva and Christian Slater as Dr. Schadenfreude’s Igor.
For producer Max Howard, the cast was a dream come true. “Each one of them brought something extra to their roles that made them really unique and elevated the entire film,” said Howard. “Whether it was Eddie Izzard, who completely came up with Schadenfreude’s accent on his own or Sean Hayes who took already funny lines and added something even funnier, we were constantly amazed at the way each performer made the character their own, yet added so much to the overall interplay of the ensemble and telling of the story.”
Director Leondis always had Molly Shannon in mind for the pivotal role of Eva. “From the first time I read the script I envisioned Molly in the role. Eva represents hope in the story, but it’s hope wrapped in a somewhat unlikely package, and Molly perfectly captured the guilelessness of the character without sacrificing the innate intelligence or unexpected wit.”
For McKenna, having John Cusack voice Igor - the character that started it all and the film’s unlikely hero – was a masterful stroke of casting. “Igor really needed to have a somewhat world-weary, but hopeful manner about him, and John just nailed it,” said McKenna. “No one does that earnest, put-upon tone better and then turns around and brings a comic exasperation to the character that is absolutely brilliant.”
Music plays a large role in setting any films mood and IGOR was no exception. With its unique mix of stylistic looks, and somewhat quirky characters, director Leondis felt that the music should also be an unusual combination of styles that not only added to the film’s mood but helps to bring added depth to the characters. To achieve this, renowned film composer Patrick Doyle, whose credit’s include scores for Ang Lee’s, SENSE AND SENSIBILITY, Mike Newell’s HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE and Kenneth Branagh’s AS YOU LIKE IT, was brought in to write the score for the film, and – to add an unexpected note – five classic Louis Prima songs were also utilized. “The combination creates an unusual effect and adds a surprise element to the film,” said producer Max Howard.
Added Leondis, “Patrick’s music emotes like no one else’s and always tells the story in a surprising, inspired and exciting way. We were thrilled to have him work with us and the combination of his classic, slightly off-beat score against the Louis Prima songs really brings a twisted, fun note to the movie that is completely in step with our overall vision.”
Producer and Exodus Film Group founder, John D. Eraklis, believes that the final vision will resonate strongly with audiences of all ages. “There’s really something for everyone in IGOR – a timeless classic story with a bold and unique look, great characters with distinct personalities, unexpected twists and humor that will keep the kids entertained and slyly topical references that will keep adults chuckling.”

IGOR, began to come to life in a location that could not have been farther from Malaria’s dark setting – Sparx Animation Studios in Paris, France. Benefiting from its status as a former base for Disney Animation, Paris and Sparx provided a pipeline of talent that was unmatched and the added bonus of an animation style that, for Leondis, was crucial to what he was working to accomplish. “I felt strongly that the look for this story needed to be very specific – a de-saturated palette with limited color – a ‘pushed’ style that is not as common in the U.S.”
Leading the design team at Sparx was art director, Olivier Besson, a french artist who was trained at Disney Paris and shared the same artistic sensibility as Leondis – that design is there to create a magical world that tells the story. A veteran of numerous animation projects, Besson proved to be the perfect partner for the filmmakers. “Olivier was a dream come true,” said Leondis. “He completely understood what I wanted to achieve and shared the view that every decision on color and shape had to be about telling the story in a creative and fresh way.”
At the beginning of the project Besson met with Leondis and asked about his favorite artists, what movies he responded to and what his style was. “Tony had very specific ideas about the look and style he wanted for IGOR. He wanted it to be special, but special for a reason,” said Besson. “It’s like following a trail in the forest, you look for the markings left along the way and when you follow them, you’ve found your movie.”
Once Besson felt that he had a feel for the style and mood that Leondis wanted to achieve, he began drawing ideas and inspiration from sources that he felt would be compatible with the director’s vision, including Rembrandt for lighting, photographer Brassaï for values, (Black, white and grey tones), and famed Disney colorist, Mary Blair for color.
As Besson began finding unique ways to tell the story, Leondis was thrilled with the results. “I wanted high contrast lighting for the film so Olivier chose Rembrandt as an inspiration. Rembrandt used light to tell the story of his paintings, lighting what he wanted the viewer to focus on and throwing the rest in shadow, and often times black.
It is very emotional and fits very well into the monster movie genre. Brassaï is a photographer whose work feels timeless to me. There’s a magical quality to his images – turn of the century Paris, with smoky streets and strong silhouettes. Again, Olivier was able to capture that feel. For color there is no one better than the Disney artist Mary Blair. Her emotional approach to color is masterful, and Olivier used that for inspiration for IGOR. Olivier would use an unrealistic color like pink for the sky if the emotional moment called for it- and somehow still made it feel like our world. He is a genius.”
One of Besson and Leondis’ goals was to make the film creepy, but not too creepy – they wanted a ‘nice’ dark movie. To achieve this, Besson employed the use of mist and smoke as a technique to hide or reveal things. “Tony wanted to keep the art and the story in every frame” explained Besson. “By utilizing mist and smoke we were able to hide or reveal things in a very elegant manner and maintain the dark but rich look that we were striving for.” The technique also worked to tone down the 3D images and maintain the ambience of the story to fit into Leondis’ desire for a classic film-noir look.
Working with Besson was character designer, Valérie Hadida. Considered one of the top character designers in Europe, her designs are eccentric and pushed, and like Besson’s, always tell a story. “Valérie designed every character in the film and each one, even the incidental characters, could be the lead in a movie,” said Leondis. “Look at the modern works of Picasso – the way he played with the form and shape of the human body – Valérie does the same in her work. She is always looking for new ways to play with shape, line and structure. Olivier and I couldn’t have done this movie without her.”
As the team began to hone into the overall design for the film, Leondis began to employ one of his favorite techniques for creating a striking and unexpected look. “I love to collage time periods and motifs,” explained the director. “Photo-realism is boring to me – it’s fun to remake reality in a way that is surprising – it is animation after all. I am a fan of modern art and the best modern artists take familiar shapes and recreate them in a new way for emotional effect. That’s how I approach filmmaking.”
Employed in numerous instances throughout the film, the technique results in giving IGOR a very distinct look and feel that the filmmakers believe will draw the audience in and take them by surprise. Since Malaria was a peaceful land until the clouds came and the country began creating evil inventions, a Middle-Age farming kingdom was employed as the base of the world and then Industrial Age shapes, forms and materials were added to represent the building of Evil Inventions. And for the exterior of Dr. Glickenstein’s castle – Igor’s malevolent master – shapes of lab beakers, test tubes, and the inner workings of a steam engine were used. This way the audience sees ‘”Evil Scientist Castle,” but in a surprising new way.
“I intentionally didn't want them totally integrated,” adds Leondis. I wanted the inorganic shapes to not exactly fit, to be thrust upon our peaceful organic world. But all to
tell the story of course – never design for design sake. Form must follow function, and in film-making, telling the story is always the primary function.”
For the characters, Leondis continued the collage motif and drew inspiration from Haute Couture fashion. “Vivienne Westwood, credited with the creation of the punk look, is a master of collage and mixing time periods, fabrics and textures in her work. She pushes and changes the silhouettes in her designs, and I brought that same sensibility to IGOR. I wanted the world to be a collage of the Middle Ages and Gothic England, with a touch of Pop sixties.”
Added Besson, “We worked to incorporate aspects into each design that would give the audience insight into each character’s true personality. Details like clothing choices, fabric patterns, hair color and mannerisms all reveal underlying traits and reflect distinct aspects of each personality. For instance Dr. Schadenfreude is all show but really no substance, so his look is very flamboyant and detail oriented to reflect that, and Eva, who is the film’s hope, is the most colorful character in the movie –infusing light into every scene she appears in.”
Part of Leondis’ process in filmmaking is to continuously ask himself questions, from the obvious to the more obscure. “The more questions I ask myself the more reference I have to work from. I like to take abstract concepts and translate them into literal ideas. It gives the audience clues into the story and characters.”
For the character of Igor, Leondis envisioned him as a prisoner in his world. “I put him in a sort of 'straight-jacket' to literally tie his hands, and his wrists have cuffs to represent hand-cuffs. He also is covered in stripes to represent a prison uniform and on his hunch, the manifestation of his oppression, are two patches of orange. Orange in this movie represents hope, and until the monster arrives – our symbol of hope in the movie – the only orange we see are Igor's patches. Through it all, this little guy has hope, he won't let anyone take that away from him.”
For McKenna, the final results could not have been better. “Tony and the team at Sparx created characters and a world that go far beyond my original expectations. I always thought that the most difficult challenge with Igor was going to be portraying him as a hunchback without making him freakish. I think the final design for Igor wonderfully captures both his unique physical attributes and his humanity.”

IGOR (John Cusack)
A potentially gifted and brilliant scientist, Igor was born with a hunch on his back which, in Malaria, leaves him with only one choice in life – to become an Igor. Forced to serve a cruel scientist named Dr. Glickenstein, Igor must invent in secret, always afraid of being discovered. When fate finally steps in and gives Igor the chance to build his greatest invention – an evil monster that will win the Annual Evil Science Fair and bring Igor the respect he has always wanted – something goes horribly wrong. His evil invention does not want to be evil; she wants to be an actress! Now he has to figure out a way to get her to compete in the Annual Evil Science Fair and battle Malaria’s other evil inventions, or it’s down the Igor recycling chute for him.
SCAMPER (Steve Buscemi)
One of Igor’s first experiments, Scamper is a ‘road kill’ rabbit that he brought back to life. Igor gave him super-intelligence and immortality, but Scamper doesn’t see the point in living. He’s always trying to end his meaningless existence but can’t – he just keeps coming back to life again and again and again. However, by the end of the story, Scamper discovers that life is truly worth living.
BRAIN (Sean Hayes)
Brain is another of Igor’s inventions – a very early prototype. This brain-in-a-jar is anything but! Let’s just say that this jar is more than half empty. He is always trying to prove that he is very intelligent and can help, but unwittingly ends up making life even tougher for our hero.
EVA (Molly Shannon)
Igor’s latest creation is his tour de force – Eva. A giant monster built for one purpose – to be the best evil invention and conquer all at the Evil Science Fair. Just one hitch – she doesn’t have an evil bone in her body. Worse, all she wants is to be an actress. She thinks, breathes and eats acting, and believes she would be perfect for the title role in Malaria’s new production of “Annie.”
Igor’s master, Dr. Glickenstein is a cruel Evil Scientist who treats Igor like dirt. Every year Glickenstein manages to lose the Annual Evil Science Fair and takes it out on poor Igor. When Glickenstein discovers that Igor has been creating his own inventions, he attempts to stop him once and for all, but in doing so sets his own demise in motion.
Dr. Schadenfreude is Malaria’s most preeminent Evil Scientist, having won 17 Annual Evil Science Fairs in a row. Little does anyone realize that he can’t invent his way out of a paper bag and that each year he steals his winning inventions from other Evil Scientists in the Kingdom - taking the credit and the coveted first prize. But winning the Evil Science Fair isn’t enough anymore, and now he has his eyes on the throne and manipulates Eva into helping him get there.
JACLYN (Jennifer Coolidge)
As Dr. Schadenfreude’s sexy and vain girlfriend, Jaclyn is determined to get a fast ticket to Evil Street. Year after year she helps him win the Evil Science Fair by utilizing her beguiling ways to ‘acquire’ the other scientists’ inventions – okay, stealing them. She is his confidante and, at the same time, a thorn in his side.
The King of Malaria rules justly and wisely – NOT. He is everyone’s friend and cares about his people greatly…or that is what he would have you think. It was the King’s idea to blackmail the world with weapons of destruction and he has convinced Malaria that it’s good for their economy and so by doing Evil, they are actually doing good. Is it any surprise that this conniving politician isn’t always telling the truth?
CARL CRISTALL (Arsenio Hall)
Malaria’s number one television reporter is intense…informed…and invisible. He’s also not wearing any pants. That’s because he's a professed nudist, which isn’t wrong, since people can’t see anything. But it does give a whole new meaning to “the naked truth.”
The most ruthless Evil Scientist in Malaria needs his Igor to be a cruel, heartless instrument of deception. But all Dr. Schadenfreude’s Igor really wants to be is his master’s best friend.

With an impressive body of work spanning the course of two decades, JOHN CUSACK (Igor) has evolved into one of Hollywood’s most accomplished and respected actors of his generation, garnering both critical acclaim as well as prestigious accolades for his dramatic and comedic roles.
Cusack first gained the attention of audiences by starring in a number of 1980s film classics such as THE SURE THING, SAY ANYTHING and SIXTEEN CANDLES. Following these roles, Cusack successfully shed his teen-heartbeat image by demonstrating his ability to expand his film repertoire by starring in a wide range of dramas, thrillers and comedies including THE GRIFTERS, EIGHT MEN OUT, ADAPTATION, BEING JOHN MALKOVICH, HIGH FIDELITY and GROSSE POINTE BLANK.
Most recently, Cusack starred, wrote and produced the political satire, WAR INC. The film also stars Joan Cusack, Marisa Tomei, Hilary Duff and Sir Ben Kingsley and was produced under his New Crime Productions banner. The film was shot in Sofia, Bulgaria and was directed by Joshua Seftel. Cusack wrote the screenplay with Jeremy Pikser and Mark Leyner. In the film, Cusack plays the role of a hit man hired to kill the CEO of a major corporation. Set in the future in the desert town of Turagistan, Cusack finds himself torn between obligation and love.
Cusack is currently shooting 2012 in Vancouver for director Roland Emmerich, and recently completed filming SHANGHAI, in London and Bangkok for director Mikael Håfström with co-stars Gong Li and Chow Yun-Fat.
In 2007, Cusack starred in GRACE IS GONE, which premiered at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival and was recognized with the “Audience Award.” The film was written and directed by James C. Strouse, and produced under Cusack’s New Crime Productions banner.
Also in 2007, Cusack starred opposite Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt and Joan Cusack in the romantic comedy MARTIAN CHILD, directed by Menno Meyjes and written by Seth Bass and Jonathan Tolins, as well as the box office hit 1408, directed by Mikael Håfström from a story adapted by Matt Greenberg, Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski from the Stephen King novel of the same title.
In 2005, Cusack starred opposite Billy Bob Thornton in the dark comedy, THE ICE HARVEST, based on a Scott Phillips novel and directed by Harold Ramis. The previous year in RUNAWAY JURY, he stared opposite Hollywood legends Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman. The film was based on John Grisham’s best selling novel of the same title and was directed by Gary Fleder. In 2003, Cusack joined Amanda Peet, Alfred Molina and Ray Liotta in the thriller IDENTITY, directed by James Mangold.
In 2002, Cusack starred in the controversial film, MAX, directed by Menno Meyjes, as Max Rothman, an elegant, sophisticated former cavalry officer who returns to his native Munich to set up an art gallery and meets another aspiring artist, a young Adolf Hitler (played by Noah Taylor).
Cusack has starred in several romantic comedies, including SERENDIPITY, directed by Peter Chelsom and co-starring Kate Beckinsale; as well as starring with Julia Roberts, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Billy Crystal IN AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS.
In 2001, Cusack was nominated for a Golden Globe® Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical, for his role in the feature version of Nick Hornby's novel HIGH FIDELITY. In addition to starring in the film, Cusack also co-produced and co-wrote the script with Steve Pink, D.V. DeVincentis and Scott Rosenberg.
In 1999, Cusack starred in the dark comedy BEING JOHN MALKOVICH, which garnered him an Independent Spirit Award nomination in the category of Best Actor. Also that year, Cusack portrayed Nelson Rockefeller in the ensemble drama THE CRADLE WILL ROCK, written and directed by Tim Robbins, and starred with Billy Bob Thornton, Angelina Jolie and Cate Blanchett in Mike Newell’s comedy PUSHING TIN. In the same year, he starred in HBO’s “The Jack Bull,” a traditional Western written by his father Dick Cusack, which Cusack also served as executive producer for along with Steve Pink and D.V. DeVincentis under New Crime Productions.
In 1998, Cusack appeared in the World War II combat epic THE THIN RED LINE, based on the James Jones novel about the Battle of Guadalcanal. Directed by Terrence Malick, the ensemble cast included George Clooney, Woody Harrelson, Nick Nolte, Gary Oldman, Sean Penn, Bill Pullman and John Travolta.
In 1997, Cusack starred opposite Joan Cusack, Dan Aykroyd and Minnie Driver in GROSSE POINTE BLANK. Cusack received rave reviews for the comedy that he also produced and co-wrote, about a hit man who goes through a spiritual crisis during his high school reunion. This was the first project New Crime developed and produced under their banner.
Also in 1997, Cusack starred with Nicolas Cage, John Malkovich and Steve Buscemi in the blockbuster CON AIR from director Simon West, and later that year he starred with Kevin Spacey in MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL, directed by Clint Eastwood. Additionally, Cusack lent his voice to the full-length animated feature ANASTASIA, opposite the voices of Meg Ryan as Anastasia, Christopher Lloyd as Rasputin, and Kelsey Grammer as Vladimir.
In 1995, Cusack starred opposite Al Pacino in the political thriller CITY HALL, directed by Harold Becker and in 1994, he re-teamed with Woody Allen, who cast him in the 1991 film SHADOWS AND FOG, to portray playwright David Shayne in the acclaimed BULLETS OVER BROADWA29 previous year in RUNAWAY JURY, he stared opposite Hollywood legends Gene
Hackman and Dustin Hoffman. The film was based on John Grisham’s best selling novel
of the same title and was directed by Gary Fleder. In 2003, Cusack joined Amanda
Peet, Alfred Molina and Ray Liotta in the thriller IDENTITY, directed by James Mangold.
In 2002, Cusack starred in the controversial film, MAX, directed by Menno Meyjes, as Max Rothman, an elegant, sophisticated former cavalry officer who returns to his native Munich to set up an art gallery and meets another aspiring artist, a young Adolf Hitler (played by Noah Taylor).
Cusack has starred in several romantic comedies, including SERENDIPITY, directed by Peter Chelsom and co-starring Kate Beckinsale; as well as starring with Julia Roberts, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Billy Crystal IN AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS.
In 2001, Cusack was nominated for a Golden Globe® Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical, for his role in the feature version of Nick Hornby's novel HIGH FIDELITY. In addition to starring in the film, Cusack also co-produced and co-wrote the script with Steve Pink, D.V. DeVincentis and Scott Rosenberg.
In 1999, Cusack starred in the dark comedy BEING JOHN MALKOVICH, which garnered him an Independent Spirit Award nomination in the category of Best Actor. Also that year, Cusack portrayed Nelson Rockefeller in the ensemble drama THE CRADLE WILL ROCK, written and directed by Tim Robbins, and starred with Billy Bob Thornton, Angelina Jolie and Cate Blanchett in Mike Newell’s comedy PUSHING TIN. In the same year, he starred in HBO’s “The Jack Bull,” a traditional Western written by his father Dick Cusack, which Cusack also served as executive producer for along with Steve Pink and D.V. DeVincentis under New Crime Productions.
In 1998, Cusack appeared in the World War II combat epic THE THIN RED LINE, based on the James Jones novel about the Battle of Guadalcanal. Directed by Terrence Malick, the ensemble cast included George Clooney, Woody Harrelson, Nick Nolte, Gary Oldman, Sean Penn, Bill Pullman and John Travolta.
In 1997, Cusack starred opposite Joan Cusack, Dan Aykroyd and Minnie Driver in GROSSE POINTE BLANK. Cusack received rave reviews for the comedy that he also produced and co-wrote, about a hit man who goes through a spiritual crisis during his high school reunion. This was the first project New Crime developed and produced under their banner.Y. Additional feature film credits include THE ROAD TO WELLVILLE, TRUE COLORS, BROADCAST NEWS, STAND BY ME and BETTER OFF DEAD.
STEVE BUSCEMI (Scamper) has built a career out of portraying some of the most unique and unforgettable characters in film and television productions. His numerous credits encompass dramatic and comedic roles, and include the Oscar®-nominated film GHOST WORLD, directed by Terry Zwigoff for which Buscemi won an Independent Spirit Award and The New York Film Critics Award and was nominated for a Golden Globe® for Best Supporting Actor for his performance. Other credits include roles in, Alexandre Rockwell's 1992 Sundance Film Festival Jury Awardwinner IN THE SOUP, Martin Scorcese's NEW YORK STORIES, the Academy Award® -winning FARGO, THE BIG LEBOWSKI, and an IFP Spirit Award-winning performance as Mr. Pink in RESERVOIR DOGS. Additionally, Buscemi has made numerous cameo appearances in films such as RISING SUN, THE HUDSUCKER PROXY, BIG DADDY, and THE WEDDING SINGER.
JOHN CLEESE (Dr. Glickenstein) first shot to fame in the British television series “The Frost Report,” in 1966 and in 1969 co-created the celebrated “Monty Python’s Flying Circus.” The Monty Python team went on to conquer the world with three cult television series and four hugely successful films; AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL, THE LIFE OF BRIAN and THE MEANING OF LIFE, as well as various international stage shows, before Cleese moved on to create the irrepressible Basil, the hotel manager from hell, in one of the most successful television series ever made – “Fawlty Towers.”
JENNIFER COOLIDGE (Jaclyn) is a character actress and experimental comedienne, who has become one of Hollywood’s most versatile actors, and is perhaps best known for playing Stifler’s mom in the feature film, AMERICAN PIE.
ARSENIO HALL (Carl Cristall), became a household name with the success of his Emmy®-Award winning late night talk show "The Arsenio Hall Show" but the versatile actor, comedian, and producer first became involved in the arts at the Cleveland Playhouse, and continued to hone his craft throughout his Kent State University years.
SEAN HAYES (Brain) is best known to audiences for his starring role on the smash hit comedy series “Will & Grace.” His portrayal of the often self-absorbed but lovable Jack McFarland earned him seven consecutive Emmy® Award nominations, from 2000 to 2006, as Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series. He won the Emmy for his first nomination as well as three Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards, and an American Comedy Award. He also shared in a SAG Award won by the cast of “Will & Grace” for Outstanding Ensemble Performance, six Golden Globe® nominations, and three more individual SAG Award nominations for his work on the series.
EDDIE IZZARD (Dr. Schadenfreude) is already one of the most acclaimed
comics of his generation, and is now developing an equally stellar reputation as a film,
television and stage actor. His most recent roles include Roman Nagel in OCEAN’S
THIRTEEN and Mr. Kite in ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, as well as lending his voice to
THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN as Reepicheep and Jerry Seinfeld's BEE MOVIE. In addition, Izzard can be seen in "Kitchen", a new television
drama based on Kitchen Confidential, Anthony Bourdain's tell-all book about working as
a chef in New York.
JAY LENO (King Malbert) has leant his signature voice to numerous motion
picture and television projects including ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN, CARS, ROBOTS,
”The Fairly Odd Parents,” “The Simpsons” and “Southpark” among others.
MOLLY SHANNON (Eva) returns to primetime this Fall as Kath opposite Selma
Blair’s Kim in the new NBC comedy "Kath & Kim," based on the successful Australian
show of the same name. She was also recently seen in Lifetime’s movie “More of Me,”
starring opposite Steven Weber.
CHRISTIAN SLATER (Dr. Schadenfreude’s Igor) has an impressive career that has firmly established him as one of the most talented actors of his generation. Slater will next star in NBC’s new drama “My Own Worst Enemy,” premiering October 13, 2008, as Henry Spivey, a man with two lives and personalities. In 2007, Slater returned to London to star in the sold-out play “Swimming with Sharks,” directed by Wilson Milan, in which he plays producer Buddy Ackerman, the mastermind of a top studio’s high-grossing, ultra-violent horror slate, and one of Hollywood’s most powerful men.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Ronnie Liu Ditahan Polis

Laporan pada jam 3.05 petang memberitahu exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor, Ronnie Liu ditahan polis dan kini dibawa ke Balai Polis Puchong.
Sebab beliau ditahan masih belum diketahui.
Labels: Ronnie Liu
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bila Ketua Polis (Selangor) Berbohong
Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar melalui sumber media berkata:
"Itu adalah dakwaan mereka (peserta)," kata Khalid kepada pemberita di ibupejabat polis daerah Petaling Jaya (Malaysiakini)
Apabila diberitahu mengenai rakaman video berhubung tindakan polis itu, Khalid menjawab: "Saya menafikannya".. (Malaysiakini)
Khalid quashed talks of double standards, as even when Umno had wanted to hand over a memorandum to the state secretariat in the past, police were deployed to the scene. He said they however dispersed when ordered to. (The Sun)
Selepas klip video yang membuktikan sememangnya orang ramai diserang polis ketika nyanyian Negaraku (bukannya Terang Bulan, Memula Moon atau Negarakuku) dinyanyikan, Khalid ABu Bakar pula memberitahu bahawa orang ramai hanya menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan untuk menyelamatkan diri.
Sekiranya seorang CPO berbohong:
1. Ketua Polis Negara pun berbohong, apa yang peliknya
2. Menteri Dalam Negeri pun berbohong
3. Anggota polis ikut arahan
4. Orang ramai kena belasah
5. Wanita kena 3 jahitan di kepala
6. Wang rakyat sia-sia
7. Masuk neraka
8. Kita berada dalam negara polis
9. Orang tak bersalah disumbat dalam lokap
10. Polis jadi bahan gelak
Apa yang lebih kelakar bila wartawan Rusnizam Mahat yang pada mulanya bersama aku menuju ke IPD Petaling Jaya tiba dahulu kerana aku pada waktu itu menaiki kereta dan jalan menuju IPD sudah ditutup.
Khabarnya, Rusnizam cuba bertanyakan kepada CPO mengapa mereka ditahan semasa menyanyikan lagu Negaraku, CPO menafikannya dan kemudian mengarahkan Rusnizam ditahan bersama yang lainnya.
Aku bertanya Rusnizam, "kau kena tahan ke tidak?"
"Aku pun tak tahu. Aku tanya polis, semua buat bodoh."
"Polis ambik statement kau tak?"
"Kau kena tahan lah tu"
Berikut ialah kenyataan dari Bar Council:
> Bar Council expressed disappointment over the disappropriate and heavy-handed approach adopted by the police at the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections (Bersih)-organised vigil to call for an end to the Internal Security Act (ISA).
Its vice-president Ragunath Kesavan called on police to protect the rights of speech, expression and assembly of all those who legitimately engage in expressing dissent, fairly and without bias.
He said it was alarming that police started dispersing the people as early as a hour before the vigil started and that it was not necessary to use physical force and causing injuries to some participants, as the group was reportedly calm and did not pose any threat to public order.
He also expressed concern that the authorities seem to use the law selectively, breeding notions of bias.
"Several demonstrations over the Pakatan Rakyat government's policies in Penang and Selangor have proceeded without much harassment nor arrests by the police," he said.
> DAP's Tony Pua and Lau Weng San told reporters at Parliament lobby that police disperse the crowd when they were singing the national anthem prior to leaving the Civic Centre where they were gathered.
Pua said his shirt was torn as he was grabbed by two police officers, kicked in the stomach by another officer and thrown into the truck although he told them he was the MP for the constituency and that he could walk himself to the truck.
Lau, who nursed a busted lip and scratched face as a result of the arrest, said he was punched in the face by a plainclothes policeman and dragged to the truck when he inquired about the situation of other detainees.
He added he has lodged a police report and requested a medical examination as well as an identification parade because he can remember the police officer clearly.
Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur) said the incident showed the police have forgotten the recommendation of the Royal Police Commission that the force should become an efficient, professional, incorruptible world-class police service with three priority objectives – to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and respect human rights.
> Bersih said police charged on participants as they were singing the national anthem outside the Civic Hall.
"We are deeply appalled by the unusual manner of the police dispersal of citizens in a peaceful gathering," read the statement.
Lawat laman-laman berikut:
Labels: BERSIH
Kes Sharmila a/l Turaisingam: Mengapa Tiada Penangkapan?
Kenyataan Media
Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (BERSIH) mempersoalkan kes yang diterima oleh BERSIH berkaitan dengan sdri Sharmila Thuraisingam (No KP: 73xxxx145444) yang cuba untuk mendaftarkan dirinya sebagai pemilih di pejabat pos pada Disember 2007 tetapi diberitahu bahawa dia sudah pun didapati namanya berdaftar sebagai pengundi di Wakaf Zain DUN Salor dan Parlimen Kubang Kerian di Kelantan. Sharmila membuat laporan polis berkaitan dengan kesnya.
Sharmila mengesahkan bahawa beliau tidak berada di negara ini pada 10 Mac 1998 apabila Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) mendakwa permohonannya sebagai pemilih.
Sharmila juga tidak pernah diambil kenyataan oleh pihak polis sejak beliau membuat laporan polis pada 12 Januari 2008.
Oleh yang demikian, BERSIH mendesak pihak polis segera menyiasat perkara ini dan pihak yang menyamar sebagai Sharmila perlu diambil tindakan tegas.
Berikut ialah jawapan Perdana Menteri pada 16 Oktober 2008 di Parlimen:
Tuan Gwo-Burne Loh [ Kelana Jaya] minta PERDANA MENTERI menyatakan hasil daripada siasatan polis berkaitan dengan laporan yang dibuat oleh Sharmila Turaisingam pada 12 Januari 2008 bahawa beliau tidak pernah berdaftar sebagai pengundi tetapi namanya terdapat di dalam senarai pemilih di Kubang Kerian, Kelantan.
Saya mengucapkan berbanyak terima kasih kepada Ahli Yang Berhormat dari Kelana Jaya yang telah mengemukakan soalan.
Untuk makluman Ahli Yang Berhormat, pihak kementerian telah membuat semakan dengan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) dan mendapati bahawa SPR telah menerima satu permohonan pemilih di atas nama Sharmila Turaisingam pada 10 Mac 1998. Memandangkan penama telah menggunakan alamat Kg Wakaf Zain di dalam permohonan tersebut, SPR telah menempatkan nama beliau di Parlimen P.024 Kubang kerian dan N.17 Salur, Kelantan.
Pada 12 Januari 2008 pula, SPR menerima permohonan daripada Sharmila Turaisingam untuk menukar alamat melalui Pejabat Pos. Berdasarkan alamat yang terdapat di dalam kad pengenalan beliau, nama Sharmila Turaisingam telah ditempatkan di Parlimen P.104 Kelana jaya dan N.31 Subang Jaya, Selangor. Penempatan nama tersebut di dalam daftar pemilih SPR sehingga kini.
Tuan yang Dipertua,
Mengenai laporan yang dibuat oleh pengadu (Sungai Way Report:35/08), perkara ini masih dalam siasatan pihak Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM).
Labels: Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, BERSIH, SPR
Belajar Gitar
Aku membuat keputusan untuk belajar bermain gitar. Nak buat keputusan untuk belajar pun agak susah kerana jadual aku yang ketat.
Namun selepas menerima tawaran dari artis rakaman Meor, aku bersetuju. Memandangkan Meor memberi komitmen untuk datang ke KL setiap hujung minggu (untuk mengajar aku), aku terpaksa memberi komitmen yang sama kepada beliau (dan diri aku).
Belajar dengan Meor agak mudah. Dia tak bagi aku tertekan bila belajar. Relaks.
Dari kelas pertama, aku sudah mampu untuk memainkan lagu Broery Marantika; Bunga Berkembang.
Tak Mahu Cabar Industri
Ramai yang mengetahui aku belajar gitar bertanya samada aku nak ceburi muzik industri. Apa lah punya pandangan !
Aku tak berhasrat langsung, bermain muzik hanya untuk diri sendiri, jiwa sendiri.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Polis Serang Ketika Lagu Negaraku dinyanyikan
Menurut laporan Malaysiakini 10 November melalui tajuk berita CPO: Tindakan menyurai bukan sewaktu lagu Negaraku,
Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar menafikan bahawa pihak polis bertindak menyuraikan para peserta majlis memasang lilin malam tadi ketika mereka sedang menyanyikan lagu Negaraku. "Itu adalah dakwaan mereka (peserta)," kata Khalid kepada pemberita di ibupejabat polis daerah Petaling Jaya kira-kira tengah malam tadi.
Selaku sekretariat BERSIH, saya ingin menyatakan di sini bahawa orang ramai yang berhimpun secara aman sememangnya sedang menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan, Negaraku. Dan pada ketika itu, polis bertindak ganas.
Apa yang lebih menyedihkan lagi ialah ketika tangakapan mula dibuat ketika rangkap di bawah dinyanyikan:
Raja Kita Selamat Bertakhta
Ini menunjukkan bahawa pihak polis telah mencemarkan kedaulatan raja dan perlembagaan.
Aku tidak mahu menyentuh tentang sikap anggota polis termasuk anggota yang berpangkat tinggi yang lepak, duduk dan menjerit-jerit memberi arahan kepada anggota yang lain ketika lagu dinyanyikan.
Perlu ditekankan di sini bahawa orang ramai yang berhimpun bukan menyanyikan lagu Memula Moon atau Negarakuku !
Secara keseluruhannya, Ketua Polis Negeri telah bercakap bohong dan melalui kenyataannya kepada media semalam, menunjukkan Ketua Polis tersebut tidak layak menjadi seorang yang berpangkat di dalam organisasi polis terutamanya di negeri di bawah jajahan takluk kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat.
Berikut ialah keterangan salah seorang yang ditahan, Rusnizam Mahat (wartawan) sebaik sahaja dibebaskan:
Berikut pula ialah kenyataan rasmi BERSIH yang mendapat sedang diedarkan untuk mendapat persetujuan daripada pertubuhan bukan kerajaan dan parti politik:
Police Attack on Citizens singing National Anthem: Contempt of Nation and King
We, the undersigned civil society groups, express our strongest condemnation of the brutal attack by policemen on a 100-strong crowd of Malaysians who were singing the national anthem Negaraku. The event took place last night (Sunday, 9 Nov 2008) at the BERSIH peaceful gathering outside MBPJ's Civic Hall, Petaling Jaya.
Members of the public had gathered to commemorate the first anniversary of the BERSIH rally on 10 November 2007 as well as demand for the abolition of the ISA. The attack was not only an outright human rights violation, but it also demonstrated outrageous contempt of the Nation and Hia Majesty The King.
The police used brute and excessive force on the peaceful crowd. As the crowd sang the following lines of the national anthem – "Raja kita selamat bertakhta" [May the King reign in peace], FRU personnel and plainclothes officers charged at the crowd and started chasing and grabbing people at random.
A 53-year-old woman named Dian Abdullah was attacked from behind by a few policemen, causing her to fall and injure the back of her head. A bystander took her to the hospital where she received four stitches for the cut.
MP for Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua and Kampung Tunku state assemblyman Lau Weng San were manhandled and punched respectively. A PAS member was set upon by six police officers on the five-foot-way right outside Lotus Restaurant.
We would like to stress that, first and foremost, it is every Malaysians' birth right to peaceful assembly, as enshrined in Article 10 of the Federal Constitution. The police dispersal of citizens' peaceful gathering is unwarranted and an act of contempt against the Constitution.
We are deeply appalled by the unusual manner of the police dispersal of citizens in a peaceful gathering. Under 'more normal' circumstances, the police officer in charge would order the crowd to disperse within five minutes before taking any action. While Malaysians are taught from young to stand to attention when the national anthem is being played or sung, the behaviour of the police was such that they felt they had to stop the peaceful crowd from finishing the song and then proceeded to punish them violently.
We urge Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Syed Albar to immediately apologize to Malaysians and we demand that th Selangor Chief of Police, Deputy Comm Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar to take responsibility for his part in this fiasco and resign.
We call on all Malaysians to unite, regardless of our political persuasion, to defend the national symbol and basic human rights.
The 9 November police attack on the citizens, the nation and the monarchy has yet again reminded us of the urgent and immediate need for an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).
Saturday, November 08, 2008
My Participation in a Roundtable Meeting
UUCA: Abolish or amend? |
Rahmah Ghazali | Nov 8, 08 10:25am |
The Universities and University Colleges Act (UUCA) has long been deemed controversial, especially among academicians, politicians, NGOs and students. But how far are they willing to go to make their objections known in Parliament? As the much awaited debate is just three weeks away, many are preparing to go all out to make their views on the matter heard. The panelists, who spoke in the two-hour discussion, said the amendments would only “restrict the critical minds of students” and send them into “a state of fear”. As time is ticking away to the second-reading of the Act to allow it to be debated in Parliament, Santiago and the panel suggested that academicians, politicians, students and even parents play a role in investigating the core problems of the proposed amendments. Other latitudes of the altered Act also allow for the enrolment of politicians in university courses without having to sacrifice their political careers, at the discretion of the vice-chancellor of the university. The UUCA has been widely condemned by student bodies in the country who feel that they should be given the freedom to voice their opinions on both local and international political issues. Against Federal Constitution Faridzul Nasaruddin representing GMMA said the Act should be abolished on the grounds that it went against the Federal Constitution and United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. “It should let us express ourselves, especially on political issues. But this Act clearly goes against our basic human rights,” Faridzul said. Dema representative Niew Ti Hooi also expressed her disgust at the amendments, saying the law was made “to instill fear”. “Most of the students do not have a basic knowledge of what the Act is all about. However, when they first join university, they will learn that this Act will go against their will but they will have to accept it. “Thus, many of them will have this idea of going to university with one purpose, to study and nothing else. That is why we do not have many students who are critical in their thinking,” Loke said. “Because they are scared of the students’ bravery and idealism, the amendments were made,” said Andrew, citing a massive anti-Vietnam war protest involving students in the US in the 1960s as an example. Persatuan Kakitangan Akademik UM (PKAUM) Azmi Sharom was also on the same page with the panelists, saying the amendments would only serve to control the governance of the university and student behaviour. “That is why the amendments are not going to help,” added Azmi. Don’t just protest and walk out As the debate on the amendments will be held in Parliament in the second week of December, National Union for Higher Education Learning academic staff secretary-general, Faisal Mustaffa, said it should be held in a professional manner. He added that it is vital for the opposition to settle the issue democratically with the government. Hence, they should only choose to protest or walk out of Parliament as a last resort. Santiago said academicians and students should approach their constituency representatives to voice their concerns over the amendments. “That way, they (elected reps) will address the problem as we come from their constituency,” he said. Among others, the panelists also suggested that academicians and students collaborate to get their messages across, including issuing a joint-memorandum. “The MPs should also be involved in this matter, and it would be easier if we could send a memorandum to them personally,” said Faridzul. |
Labels: charles santiago
Friday, November 07, 2008
Memperingati BERSIH 10 November dengan Nyalaan Lilin

Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (BERSIH) akan menganjurkan upacara nyalaan lilin Ahad ini (9 November) di Petaling Jaya dengan menunggu tibanya detik 10 November yang mengimbas kembali ulangtahun pertama perhimpunan aman BERSIH yang berjaya menghimpun 50,000 rakyat di ibu Negara.
BERSIH berpendapat perhimpunan 10 November – bersama perarakan “Walk for Justice” oleh Majlis Peguam 26 September dan perhimpunan Hindraf 25 November lalu menyumbang kepada tsunami politik 8 Mac 2008. Malang bagi Barisan Nasional (BN) kerana isyarat tuntutan perubahan tersebut tidak diendahkannya. Tanpa tuntutan-tuntutan rakyat, proses pendemokrasian akan terus dihalang.
BN sepatutnya melaksanakan reformasi terhadap sistem kehakiman, pihak polis, Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR), undang-undang media atau pun proses pilihan raya bukannya mempertingkatkan lagi sifat kuku besi seperti penahanan di bawah ISA baru-baru ini, mengeluarkan amaran kepada empat akhbar, mengharamkan Hindraf dan membatalkan program temubual di dalam bahasa Cina.
BERSIH ingin memperingat orang ramai bahawa proses pilihan raya yang bersih dan adil untuk Pilihan Raya Umum akan datang – kemungkinan 2009, 2013 atau pun tempoh di antaranya, akan menjadi bertambah penting memandangkan Malaysia tidak mampu lagi ditadbir oleh sebuah kerajaan yang dipersoalkan kesahannya. Kerajaan yang ada sekarang berkemungkinan besar akan menghalang pelaburan asing langsung dan merangsangkan lagi masalah pihak-pihak professional ke luar negara, ditambah lagi dengan pada masa kita dalam kegawatan ekonomi globa.
Oleh itu, Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya dan parlimen mestilah melaksanakan lima reformasi asas secepat mungkin:
• pembersihan secara komprehensif dan mengemaskini senarai pemilih
• pelaksanaan dakwat kekal bagi menghalang pengundian berganda
• pemansuhan undi pos (domestik) bagi anggota keselamatan dan pasangan mereka
• tempoh kempen minimum 21 hari
• reformasi undang-undang media bagi membolehkan calon-calon untuk bebas mendapat akses yang bebas dan adil di dalam media.
nyalaan lilin akan diadakan di stadium MBPJ berhadapan Amcorp Mall, Petaling Jaya di mana upacara seumpamanya diadakan bagi membantah mereka yang ditahan di bawak Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri yang zalim. Upacara tersebut telah diadakan selama empat minggu berturut-turut yang menampilkan ucapan daripada kumpulan-kumpulan masyarakat dan juga parti-parti politik.
BERSIH menekankan bahawa gesaan untuk reformasi pilihan raya seiring dengan pendirian kami dalam memansuhkan ISA dan tuntutan kami untuk kebebasan media ke arah Malaysia yang demokratik dan bebas.
Perhimpunan anti-ISA di Ipoh yang akan diadakan pada hari yang sama juga akan memperingati ulangtahun pertama perhimpunan aman BERSIH. Orang ramai digalakkan untuk menganjurkan acara nyalaan lilin di mana juga bagi ‘masa hadapan yang lecih cer
Thursday, November 06, 2008
POS Malaysia Terima Komisyen Dari Agensi Kerajaan Berjumlah RM100 juta
Jumlah purata pungutan komisen Pos Malaysia Berhad bagi setahun ialah kira-kira RM100 juta untuk lima tahun kebelakangan. Daripada jumlah tersebut:(i) RM50 juta atau 50% adalah dikutip daripada transaksi pembayaran utiliti seperti pembayaran bil-bil air, elektrik dan telekomunikasi;
(ii) dianggarkan RM30 juta atau 30% daripada komisen tersebut ialah daripada Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) bagi urusan Amanah Saham Berhad;
(iii) RM13 juta atau 13% adalah dikutip daripada urusan Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) seperti pembaharuan cukai jalan, pembaharuan lesen memandu dan lain-lain; dan
(iv) bakinya sebanyak RM7 juta atau 7% dikutip daripada lain-lain syarikat pembekal utiliti seperti Astro dan syarikat-syarikat telekomunikasi.
Pada masa ini, Pos Malaysia Berhad telah dilantik sebagai agen kutipan kepada 160 agensi.
Sumber: soalan Fong Po Kuan [Batu Gajah] pada 14 Oktober 2008
Labels: Parlimen Malaysia