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Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bila Ketua Polis (Selangor) Berbohong
Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar melalui sumber media berkata:
"Itu adalah dakwaan mereka (peserta)," kata Khalid kepada pemberita di ibupejabat polis daerah Petaling Jaya (Malaysiakini)
Apabila diberitahu mengenai rakaman video berhubung tindakan polis itu, Khalid menjawab: "Saya menafikannya".. (Malaysiakini)
Khalid quashed talks of double standards, as even when Umno had wanted to hand over a memorandum to the state secretariat in the past, police were deployed to the scene. He said they however dispersed when ordered to. (The Sun)
Selepas klip video yang membuktikan sememangnya orang ramai diserang polis ketika nyanyian Negaraku (bukannya Terang Bulan, Memula Moon atau Negarakuku) dinyanyikan, Khalid ABu Bakar pula memberitahu bahawa orang ramai hanya menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan untuk menyelamatkan diri.
Sekiranya seorang CPO berbohong:
1. Ketua Polis Negara pun berbohong, apa yang peliknya
2. Menteri Dalam Negeri pun berbohong
3. Anggota polis ikut arahan
4. Orang ramai kena belasah
5. Wanita kena 3 jahitan di kepala
6. Wang rakyat sia-sia
7. Masuk neraka
8. Kita berada dalam negara polis
9. Orang tak bersalah disumbat dalam lokap
10. Polis jadi bahan gelak
Apa yang lebih kelakar bila wartawan Rusnizam Mahat yang pada mulanya bersama aku menuju ke IPD Petaling Jaya tiba dahulu kerana aku pada waktu itu menaiki kereta dan jalan menuju IPD sudah ditutup.
Khabarnya, Rusnizam cuba bertanyakan kepada CPO mengapa mereka ditahan semasa menyanyikan lagu Negaraku, CPO menafikannya dan kemudian mengarahkan Rusnizam ditahan bersama yang lainnya.
Aku bertanya Rusnizam, "kau kena tahan ke tidak?"
"Aku pun tak tahu. Aku tanya polis, semua buat bodoh."
"Polis ambik statement kau tak?"
"Kau kena tahan lah tu"
Berikut ialah kenyataan dari Bar Council:
> Bar Council expressed disappointment over the disappropriate and heavy-handed approach adopted by the police at the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections (Bersih)-organised vigil to call for an end to the Internal Security Act (ISA).
Its vice-president Ragunath Kesavan called on police to protect the rights of speech, expression and assembly of all those who legitimately engage in expressing dissent, fairly and without bias.
He said it was alarming that police started dispersing the people as early as a hour before the vigil started and that it was not necessary to use physical force and causing injuries to some participants, as the group was reportedly calm and did not pose any threat to public order.
He also expressed concern that the authorities seem to use the law selectively, breeding notions of bias.
"Several demonstrations over the Pakatan Rakyat government's policies in Penang and Selangor have proceeded without much harassment nor arrests by the police," he said.
> DAP's Tony Pua and Lau Weng San told reporters at Parliament lobby that police disperse the crowd when they were singing the national anthem prior to leaving the Civic Centre where they were gathered.
Pua said his shirt was torn as he was grabbed by two police officers, kicked in the stomach by another officer and thrown into the truck although he told them he was the MP for the constituency and that he could walk himself to the truck.
Lau, who nursed a busted lip and scratched face as a result of the arrest, said he was punched in the face by a plainclothes policeman and dragged to the truck when he inquired about the situation of other detainees.
He added he has lodged a police report and requested a medical examination as well as an identification parade because he can remember the police officer clearly.
Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur) said the incident showed the police have forgotten the recommendation of the Royal Police Commission that the force should become an efficient, professional, incorruptible world-class police service with three priority objectives – to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and respect human rights.
> Bersih said police charged on participants as they were singing the national anthem outside the Civic Hall.
"We are deeply appalled by the unusual manner of the police dispersal of citizens in a peaceful gathering," read the statement.
Lawat laman-laman berikut:
Labels: BERSIH
ko nie bodoh betullah faisal mustaffa..
asyik nak salahkan polis jer..
dah ko pergi berhimpun tanpa permit sapa suruh..
ko la manusia paling bangang kat malaysia nie..
bangang kerana dah tahu perhimpunan tanpa permit haram..
tapi ko buat juga..
ko baca bolg nguping trus n ko akan dapat jawapan kenapa aku panggil ko bangang...
Patutlah blogger Pemuda Malaysia ni rasa dia pandai. Sebab dia baca Utusan Meloya.
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