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Monday, June 30, 2008
Suasana Parlimen 30 Jun 2008
Hari ini pemandu aku tak sihat untuk bawa aku ke Parlimen. Jadi, aku terpaksa memandu sendiri ke Parlimen - satu perkara yang aku cuba elakkan sungguh-sungguh!Dengan kelewatan, aku terpaksa bergegas-gegas dengan tugasan biasa dan rancangannya beberapa kumpulan daripada pertubuhan akan hadir ke bangunan Parlimen untuk menyatakan pendirian mereka mengenai isu dakwaan liwat oleh Mohd Saiful Bukhari terhadap Anwar Ibrahim.
Dari tingkat 14 aku sudah dapat melihat ramai berhimpun di jalan masuk ke Parlimen.
"Mungkin ada masalah," kata aku.
Aku terus bergegas ke bawah dan setibanya di jalan masuk Parlimen, mereka sudah pun mula berarak masuk dengan bantuan ahli-ahli Parlimen dari KeADILan.
Elizabeth Wong (YB Exco Negeri Selangor) menyapa aku; "How's holiday at Sipadan?"
Aku: Wonderful. You should go.
Kali ini, pihak keselamatan tidak memberi banyak masalah dan membuka salah sebuah pintu masuk lain ke bangunan dewan dan membenarkan kesemuanya menghadiri sidang media tersebut yang diketuai oleh Irene Fernandez.
Berikut ialah kenyataan media beliau:
The recent developments to implicate the de facto leader of Parti Keadilan Rakyat and Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in a sodomy charge is of deep concern to us when it is in the midst of a country faced with both economic crisis and political transition.
The report made by Saiful Bhukari that he was sodomised by Datuk Seri Anwar, thus raises more questions and doubts to the report. The doubts are even much more strengthened where Datuk Seri Anwar has recently stated that he had evidence that inspector-general of police Musa Hassan and attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail were involved in misconduct, including fabrication of evidence in the cases launched against him after his sacking from the government in 1998.
The allegations that were made against Datuk Seri Anwar on Saturday, June 28, 2008 seems to be a round two, a replay of the events which transpired in 1998 when he was sacked from the office of the Deputy Prime Minister, jailed and beaten, and then charged and convicted by a kangaroo court and where he was only set free after serving more than 6 years in prison.
Though we expect the police to carry out a fair investigation to the report, we are concerned as it seems to be politically motivated. The assurances made by the CID Chief, Mohd. Bakri Zinin, does not ease the doubts created within the context of an imminent political crisis of the current BN government being toppled by the Pakatan Rakyat.
The need for transparency and accountability is made even more crucial by the allegation by Anwar Ibrahim that he has evidence in hand implicating the Inspector General of Police and the Attorney General. The IGP figured in Anwar Round 1 (he was then SAC Musa Hassan )
The March 8 tsunami elections revealed clearly that the rakyat wanted a change in governance. 5 states are now in the control of the opposition. The continued infighting within UMNO and its component parties in the Barisan National, has further eroded the rakyat's confidence.
Since March, there has been a series of revelations of extensive scandals by BN leaders and controls over judiciary and the mechanisms for accountability and transparency. Morgan Stanley has indicated that some RM330 billion has been dissipated from Malaysia through corruption and that has not taken a priority to be dealt with by the government.
In April, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi announced l that he would set up an independent Judicial Appointments Commission to recommend suitable candidates for the Bench to ensure that there will be independence of the Judiciary. Under the current system, the decision is left to the Chief Justice and Prime Minister. But this has stalled with increased resistance from the ruling elite.
The unresolved murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu from Mongolia and expressions of increased evidence of the link of Deputy Prime Minister and his wife to the murder has further challenged the credibility of the government and the judiciary.
The shocking fuel price hike whose bite has yet to really sink into the purse strings of the helpless rakyat has already thrown the daily living off balance. While the prices of all other goods are spiraling on a daily basis, we have yet to get any acknowledgment of crisis-concern from the government. The rakyat meanwhile continue to suffer under the yoke of all the political battles being fought by individuals and party who are bent on power, greed and self interest.
These developments have led to an intense political challenge and the ruling party's ability to hold on to its corrupt power and control.
The nation is challenged. The sexual proclivities of an individual, whether real or fantasized, do not seem to matter when the country is facing a financial crisis and the rakyat is suffering. We believe this is a form of diversion to detract the focus of the ailing ruling BN government and its infighting for power.
We condemn the warning giving by the CID chief of the Police force over assemblies. We remind him that freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are some of the fundamental rights of people that ensure genuine democracy is upheld and practiced. The police should and must not create fear nor restrain people gathering together in peaceful assembly to express their response collectively to the developments taking place in the country.
We began building a solid foundation for the democracy we want for our country on March 8th. That was a journey we embarked upon for ourselves, our nation, our future. It was for freedom, justice and democracy. That journey cannot be stopped with threats and manipulations by the ruling elite on the leadership of the opposition parties, in particular Anwar Ibrahim, in whom lies the confidence of the opposition and of the rakyat. We call on Malaysians to stand firm to the clarion call of the 12th general elections and to move forward to save Malaysia.
Signed by,
Dr. Irene Fernandez
Berikut ialah kenyataan media yang dihantar ke pejabat media Parlimen hari ini:
Pakatan Rakyat percaya bahawa laporan polis yang dibuat terhadap Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang mendakwa kononnya beliau meliwat seorang pembantunya tidak lebih daripada hanya pengulangan pertuduhan tahun 1998 bagi menghancurkan karier politik beliau. Ini dilakukan sebagai tindakbalas kepada kemungkinan Pakatan Rakyat membentuk kerajaan pusat dalam masa terdekat.
Skandal 1998 telah memperlihatkan bagaimana seluruh institusi negara dimanipulasi bagi kepentingan pihak tertentu yang akhirnya dibuktikan satu demi satu pada hari ini. Kredibiliti kerajaan pusat akan hilang di mata rakyat, keyakinan pelabur akan terjejas dan nama Malaysia di mata dunia akan tercemar. Proses membangunkan semula negara akan terganggu dan memakan masa. Oleh itu kami menyeru agar pihak berkuasa menjalankan siasatan dengan adil dan telus terhadap dakwaan ini.
Oleh kerana kredibiliti Polis DiRaja Malaysia sudah hilang di mata rakyat apabila Ketua Polis Negara pada ketika itu sendiri menyebabkan kecederaan kepada Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim sewaktu skandal 1998, kami menuntut agar suatu badan bebas khas ditubuhkan bagi menyiasat dakwaan terbaru ini.
Dato' Seri Anwar juga percaya terdapat cubaan yang mengancam nyawa beliau sehingga memaksa beliau meminta perlindungan di Kedutaan negara luar. Pihak berkuasa perlu mengambil segala tindakan yang sepatutnya demi menjamin keselamatan beliau dan memberikan peluang sewajarnya untuk beliau mempertahankan diri bagi dakwaan kali ini.
Dokongan Terhadap Gabungan PROTES
Kami juga menyeru rakyat Malaysia agar tidak hilang fokus terhadap permasalahan sebenar yang memberikan kesan kepada kehidupan harian iaitu kenaikan harga minyak yang telah dibuat tanpa kewajaran. Sekali lagi Pakatan Rakyat mengulangi sokongan penuh kepada Gabungan Protes yang berkempen mendesak penurunan harga minyak sebagai langkah utama untuk mengurangkan beban rakyat. Pakatan Rakyat akan turut hadir bersama Gabungan Protes pada 6 Julai 2008 di Padang Timur, Petaling Jaya untuk memberi sokongan penuh kepada rakyat.
YB Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail YB Ustaz Nasharudin Mat Isa YAB Lim Guan Eng
Presiden PKR Timbalan Presiden Pas Setiausaha Agung DAP
Berikut pula ialah salinan laporan polis yang dipetik daripada laman blog RockyBru:
"Saya Mohd Saiful Bukhari b Azlan ingin melaporkan bahawa saya telah diliwat oleh majikan saya. Perkara ini berlaku tanpa kerelaan saya. Kejadian terakhir berlaku 26/6/08 di Unit 1151, Kondominium Desa Damansara, Jln Setia Kasih, KL. Oleh itu, tujuan laporan ini dibuat untuk mendapat pembelaan dan keadilan keatas diri saya. Saya juga berasa bimbang dengan keselamatan diri dan keluarga saya jika perkara ini tersebar luas di khalayak ramai. Majikan saya Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim - Ketua Umum PKR."
Labels: Anwar Ibrahim, Mohd Saiful Bukhari, PKR, wan azizah
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