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Monday, June 19, 2006
SUARAM will launch its 2005 Report

Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM), will be launching her SUARAM Human Rights Report on Civil Political Rights 2005 this coming 23 June 2006 (Friday) at 10a.m. at Crystal Crown Hotel.
The photo shown is their previous report and can be obtained from TOKOBUKU.
According to her Documentation and Monitoring Coordinator, Brinda Diana Paul the guest speaker will be the dynamic president of the Malaysian Bar Council, Mr. Yeo Yang Poh, who is also a keen and vocal advocate of human rights in Malaysia.
For nine years SUARAM has been relentless in its pursuit of monitoring, documenting and compiling hard facts on the state of civil and political rights in Malaysia. The annual publication of a Human Rights Report is the fruit of such labour.
This year's report focuses on the human rights violation in this country throughout the year 2005. Areas of remit include detention without trial and the abuse of police powers. It further encompasses the area of fundamental civil liberties such as freedom of _expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion.
This event will be the perfect platform for us to foster solidarity in defending and advocating human rights in Malaysia. As such, your attendance will speak volumes in our mutual quest for a better Malaysia.
For those who are keen to attend the function can contact Suaram at 03-77843525/77835724 or suaram@suaram.net.
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