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Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Polis Keluarkan Maklumat Terperinci Nombor Telefon
Pada 5 Ogos 2008, aku menemani rakan-rakan aku, Mohamad Azif Aris dan Abdul Halim bin Mohd Sharif ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Bahagian Jenayah Perdagangan, Jalan Dato Onn kerana mereka disaman untuk memberi keterangan nama mereka tercatat di laman web BERSIH.Mereka ditemani rakan-rakan aktivis daripada PAS yang diketuai oleh Hj Anuar Tahir selaku ahli jawatankuasa induk BERSIH.
Mereka mendapat panggilan seminggu yang lalu dan kami mengaturkan peguam untuk memastikan proses soal-selidik berjalan lancar tanpa sebarang salahlaku pihak berkuasa polis.
Proses soal-siasat dijalankan oleh ASP Amran bin Jusin.
Amran juga mengeluarkan notis saman yang sama pada fasa 1 kepada Hj Mohd Sabu, Dr Syed Azman, Sivarasa Rasiah, Ronnie Liu dan Hj Anuar Tahir.
Pada Fasa II saya dan Medaline Chang selaku sekretariat dipanggil.
Dan pada Fasa III siasatan polis, Azif dan Halim pula dipanggil. Azif dan Halim merupakan pengedar t-shirt kuning BERSIH.
Menurut keterangan yang diberikan oleh peguam, Othman Khairuddin, terdapat laporan polis berkaitan dengan Perhimpunan Aman Rakyat BERSIH 10 November 2007 dan pihak polis juga mengeluarkan helaian bukti yang diperolehi daripada CELCOM mengenai maklumat terperinci empunya nombor telefon tersebut.
Semasa sidang media, aku menasihati pihak polis supaya tidak menjadi hamba kepada politik dan jangan menghabiskan wang rakyat dengan menyiasat kes seperti ini.
Polis sepatutnya siasat dengan bersungguh-sungguh laporan polis yang aku buat pada 22 Mei 2008 lalu berhubung dengan komplot di antara Pengerusi SPR, Perdana Menteri, Peguam Negara dan Ketua Polis Negara.
Berikut ialah kenyataan media yang dibacakan oleh salah seorang ahli jawatankuasa induk BERSIH, Wong Chin Huat sebelum saksi-saksi memberi kenyataan mereka:
The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH) condemns the police’s continued harassment and intimidation of citizens for participating in the BERSIH Rally on 10 November last year, and calls on Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi and Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar to immediately instruct the police to stop intimidating the participants of the rally and respect the Federal Constitution which guarantees every Malaysian’s right to peaceful assembly.
Two BERSIH volunteers, Mohamad Azif bin Mohamad Aris and Abdul Halim bin Mohd Sharif received calls from an ASP Amran Mod Jusin fromt he Commercial Crimes Division (CCD) to give their statements today. The reason they are being summoned to the CCD, we are told, is that their names were found on the BERSIH website. On 12 June, BERSIH secretariat members Faisal Mustaffa and Medaline Chang were also called in by the CCD for questioning.
Prior to that, a number of BERSIH Steering Committee members have been questioned, as well as the ‘BERSIH 17′ who are being charged under Section 143 of the Penal Code for participating in an illegal rally.
The police’s indulgence in harassing citizens shows that the Barisan nasional government has not learned anything from the 8 March political tsunami. It is a different Malaysia today and the people will not take such intimidation lightly.
In fact, if the police persist in harassing those assoicated with the rally, the responsible thing to do would probably be for the tens of thousands of rally participants to ‘cooperate fully’ by ‘turning themselves in’ to the CCD to ‘assist in investigations’!
BERSIH urges PM Abdullah Badawi and Syed Hamid Albar to immediately instruct the police to stop its harassment of the people for exercising their right to assemble peacefully, as provided for in the Constitution.
At a time when crime is rampant and the people are more and more paranoid about their safety, the police’s preoccupation with trivial pursuits as well as the wastage of financial and manpower resources is not only completely unnecessary but simply outrageous.
Labels: BERSIH, PAS, People's Rally, Wong Chin Huat
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