Bangkitlah Kaum Buruh & Petani
Menentang Ekstremis & Hipokrits!

~ faisal mustaffa online ~
Monday, October 01, 2007
Stand wth the Burmese People!
Burma is ruled by one of the worst military dictatorships in the world. This week Buddhist monks and nuns began marching and chanting prayers to call for democracy. The protests spread and hundreds of thousands of Burmese people joined in -- they've been brutally attacked by the military regime, but still the protests are spreading.
I just signed a petition calling on Burma's powerful ally China and the UN security council to step in and pressure Burma's rulers to stop the killing. The petition has exploded to over 200,000 signatures in a few days and is being advertised in newspapers around the world, delivered to the UN secretary general, and broadcast to the Burmese people by radio. We're trying to get to 1 million signatures this week, please sign below and tell everyone!
Thank you for your help!
yeah,i have to agree with you.
stand up for them.
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