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Thursday, November 23, 2006
Join the White Ribbon Campaign

Venue: 1 Utama Shopping Centre, ground floor Highstreet entrance, new wing
Date: Saturday, 25th November 2006, 11am – 5pm
As a leading non-government organisation that advocates for gender equality, non-discrimination and the eradication of violence against women, AWAM (Greetings from the All Women’s Action Society) would like to invite you to be our guests we launch our fourth annual White Ribbon Campaign.
As one of our main public campaigns of the year, the White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) aims to raise awareness about violence against women among men, and is jointly-organised by Man’s Action Network Against Violence (Man.V) which conducts public education programmes that encourage young men to be proactive towards eliminating violence against
Our WRC is part of a worldwide initiative that is celebrated in over 50 countries annually since originating in Canada in 1989 to commemorate the massacre of 14 women in Montreal. It is traditionally launched on the United Nations designated International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women which falls on 25th November. The objectives of the WRC are to encourage men to speak out; and to not condone, encourage or commit any forms of violence against women.
This year, we are pleased to have the generous and kind support of the United Nations. This year’s WRC festivities begin at 11am with the launch to be officiated by respected jurist Dato’ Param Cumaraswamy and UN Resident Co-ordinator Richard Leete, followed by entertainment, and the participation of celebrities, representatives of various UN agencies, and members of the public.
The Media Forum forms the second part of the campaign beginning at 3pm. The forum’s objective is to examine the portrayal of violence against women in the media and to stimulate discussion about the role of the media as powerful tools for advocacy and change.
Speakers from members of the media across all platforms of print and broadcast will discuss the nature of reporting about violence against women, its challenges, the outcomes and public response. We hope that you or your representatives will also be able to attend this forum.
Please contact Manohary Subramaniam, Programme Officer, at 03-7877 4221 or email mano@awam.org.myThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it to RSVP by 20th November 2006.
Please come to support, take the White Ribbon Pledge to end violence against women, maybe even contribute a performance. We will have full stage and band set-up to accommodate any kind act (but email me back on this please so we can slot you in).
Join in to honour your mother, sisters, wife or partner, daughter, all children and, and all women.
Make the white ribbon campaign a personal mission. As you can see, I have.
Please drag along as many of your guy friends to 1 Utama on Saturday ... and "pujuk" them to take up the Campaign on a personal basis.
... a celebrity, a role-model, a mentor, a leader or simply a guy that feels strongly about violence and discrimination -- you don't know how important your presence can be to the White Ribbon Campaign.
Please forward this message to them.
(Guys, wear a dark top so the White Ribbon stands out).
"I believe that gender-based violence is perhaps the one form of violence that all men are in closest proximity to in our everyday lives. When we do address men's violence against women, we are taking effective, critical and significant steps to reducing violence in the world. The White Ribbon Campaign is about men working to end men's violence against women. Join me."
The WHITE RIBBON CAMPAIGN in Malaysia is organised by MAN.V (Men's Action Network to STOP Violence) and AWAM (All Women's Action Society Malaysia). It is supported by UNFPA.
Hello faisalmustaffa.blogspot.com ! :)
A young couple on the brink of divorce visit a marriage counsellor. The counsellor asks the wife what is the problem.
She responds "My husband suffers from premature ejaculation."
The counsellor turns to her husband and inquires "Is that true?"
The husband replies "Well not exactly, it's her that suffers not me."
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