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Sunday, January 01, 2006
Feminist Politics, Activism and Vision: Local and Global Challenges

Book Title : Feminist Politics, Activism and Vision: Local and Global Challenges
ISBN Number:1842773518
Book Weight : 0.72kg
Edited : Luciana Ricciutelli, Angela Miles, Margaret H. Mcfadden
Publisher : ZED Books
Supplier : GB Gerakbudaya Enterprise Sdn Bhd
Year : 2005
Price : RM70.00 (excluding the postage cost)
Book Description:
This volume brings together essays of remarkable variety and fresh insight by leading feminists from Africa, Asia, Latin America, North America, Europe and Scandinavia. With clear- eyed realism and passionate optimism these articles raise crucial historical, organizational, ethical, conceptual, strategic and practical issues facing feminists today. The engaged and sophisticated personal accounts, political speeches and academic articles collected here reveal a vibrant and multifaceted trans-national feminist community in struggle redefining wealth, work, peace, democracy, sexuality, family, human rights, development, community, and citizenship. They provide a sense of inter-related issues being addressed at local, national, regional and global levels in generative ways which both honour local specifities and enrich global movements.
To order;
1. Pls SMS 019-2232002 (Type FEMINIST)
2. After confirmation of the administrator, pay the amount through maybank2u.com or Maybank Kawanku to account Faisal bin Mustaffa (MBB 114179439605)
For other publication: www.tokobuku.fotopages.com
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