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Friday, April 25, 2008

ART FOR GRABS....See Me There!!!


Now everyone can afford art!

"IT IS NOT OFTEN IN LIFE that I have experienced this level of excitement about art."
-- Lucien de Guise, Curator for Islamic Art Museum, on the first ART FOR GRABS

Featuring 40 stalls
by artists known and not-yet-known selling Paintings, Drawings, Photos, Self-designed T-shirts, Hand-made Accessories, Hand-sewn dolls, Sculptures, Music, Movies + Artistic Services (hmm!). You can also join Workshops on Tap-Dancing + Modern Jazz Dance or Chill Out with Cupcakes + Coffee in the Loft, while you watch the masses haggle below you... Eh, no need to haggle lah please...


Dates: Sat 3 & Sun 4, May 2008
Hours: 12pm - 6pm
Venue: The Annexe Gallery, Central Market Annexe, KL
Admission: FREE!
Enquiries: 03 2070 1137

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At 6:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok. kita jumpa di sana..


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