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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

50:44 Malaysia Merdeka

Remembering the people that built this nation

The Annexe, Central Market

Thu 6 – Sun 16, Sep 2007

For more info: www.50-44.org

Come and join us in a celebration of everyday people. People that have helped built this nation for the past 50 years since Independence and 44 years since we became Malaysia . This celebration that is happening from 6th-16th September (Malaysia Day!) will bring together people from all parts of Malaysia including Sabah and Sarawak and friends from outside of Klang Valley! Civil society organizations together with communities are joining hands to celebrate your struggles and your forgotten stories with 10 days of forums, conference, road shows, workshops, theatre, gatherings, parties, films, books, exhibitions and more!

Sep 6 (Thu) Citizenship & Democracy

9am-5pm Demokrasi Setelah 50 Tahun Merdeka:

Cabaran dan Hala Tuju (Gallery A)

8pm-10pm Opening Ceremony of 50:44 Malaysia Merdeka (Gallery A)

Sep 7 (Fri) Gender & Sexuality

10am-10pm Merdeka and Sex (Studio B)

10am-12pm Apa itu Feminisma! (Gallery A)

8pm-9pm Perempuan…dulu, kini dan selamanya? (Gallery B)

8pm-10pm You Are What You Are! (Studio A)

Sep 8 (Sat) Migration, Refugees & Labour

10am-10pm 50 Refugees (Gallery A)

11am–1pm Bread and Butter (Gallery A)

2pm–4pm Crossing Oceans for Decent/Dirty Work (Gallery C)

4pm-6pm Fleeing Persecution, Seeking Refuge (Gallery C)

2pm-6pm Hopes and Dreams (Studio A)

7pm-8pm Songs from Afar Concert (Gallery B)

Sep 9 (Sun) Article 10, Freedom of Expression & Information

10am-10pm The Funny Revolution (Studio A)

11am-1pm Firefly (Gallery A)

2pm-6pm Banned! Plays (Gallery A & B)

4pm-5.30pm Malaysians Have Sex??? (Gallery C)

5.30pm-7pm Speakers Corner (Gallery C)

8pm-9pm Sehingga KLku Menyanyi Premiere (Gallery C)

9pm-10pm Banned! Music (Gallery B)

Sep 10 (Mon) Environment

7pm-10pm Earth Stories

Sep 11 (Tue) Child, Youth & Disability

10am–10pm Listen to the Youth Expression Wall (Gallery B)

12pm-2pm The Walking Wall (Around Central Market and Puduraya)

8pm-8.30pm Wayang Kadbod Auku (Gallery B)

8.30pm-10pm Youth Movement Since 'Merdeka':

The Lesson For Present & Future (Gallery A)

Sep 12 (Wed) Race & Religion

11am-12pm The Orange Ribbon Campaign (Gallery B)

12pm-2pm Bangsa Malaysia Film Screenings (Gallery C)

3pm-6pm Practising your faith according to your conscience

(Gallery C)

7pm-8pm Flower for the Faceless Victim (Gallery B)

8pm-830pm Prayer – May 13 (Gallery B)

8.30pm-10pm Truth and Reconciliation Commission Overdue (Gallery B)

Sep 13 (Thu) Indigenous People

10am-10pm Asli - The Originals' Photo Exhibition (Gallery C)

9am–5pm National Land Conference (Gallery A)

8pm-10pm Our Indigenous Heritage (Gallery B)

Sep 14 (Fri) Federation Day

9am–5pm National Land Conference Day 2 (Gallery A)

2pm-5pm Stories from the East film screenings (Studio A)

8pm-10pm Malaysia, The Federation – What's the deal? (Gallery A)

10am-10pm Freedom Film Fest 2007 (Gallery C)

Sep 15 (Sat) Development

10am-10pm The Urban Pioneers or The Urban Poors? (Gallery B)

11am–1pm To house or not to house? (Studio A)

1pm-2pm Clinic on Housing Issues for The Poor (Studio A)

2pm-5pm People's March


(Central Market Outdoor Stage)

10am-10pm Freedom Film Fest 2007 (Gallery C)

Sep 16 (Sun) Malaysia Day

3pm-5pm Malaysian Politician Says the Darndest thing! (Gallery A)

10am-10pm Freedom Film Fest 2007 (Gallery C)


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