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Sunday, July 16, 2006
Kesan peninggalan Wadi al-Hussein

Pada Jumaat, 14 Julai lalu,saya dijemput oleh rakan-rakan dari Kelantan untuk bersama mereka mengadakan satu lawatan ke selatan Thailand.
Kami bertolak kira-kira jam 9.30am dengan menggunakan feri dan sepuluh minit kemudian, itulah kali pertama kaki saya menjejakkan kaki ke Tak Bai.
Tempat petama yang saya kunjungi ialah Pattani di mana kami dibawa melihat sebuah masjid kayu terindah di Thailand. Kami tiba di Teluk Manok selepas dua setengan jam perjalanan.
Masjid Wadi al-Hussein yang terletak di Teluk Manok kira-kira 100km dari Badar Pattani.

Di setiap dinding dan sudut masjid terdapat ukiran-ukiran halus yang menjadikan senibinanya sungguh indah.
Komponen seni ukiran seperti bunga-bungaan yang terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis termasuk kuntum bunga tepang, daun-daunan yang disubik menjadi bentuk awan-awan larut dan ranting-ranting. Motif-motif keindahan dan estetika yang diukir pada bahagian hadapan masjid itu mirip kepada garis dan lorek geometri setelah Islam berkampung di rantau Nusantara Melayu.
Teknik pengukirannya pula menggunakan system tebuk seoaruh timbul yang tidak berapa tebal menghiasi sekeliling bangunan masjid.
Keadaan ini mungkin menjadi bukti bahawa terdapat kecenderungan pengukir Meayu pada zaman itu. Penzahiran estetika Melayu paling sempurna dapat dilihat ketika cahaya menembusi ukiran-ukiran tebuk tembus di bahagian atas sekeliling dindning bangunan masjid itu.
Di sisi masjid ini mengalir sebatang anak sungai jernih yang digunakan untuk berwuduk oleh para jemaah, Di seberang sungai pula bertebaran batu nisan yang seusia dengan umur masjid itu.
Masjid itu dikatakan saksi sumbangan ulama besar Pattani beberapa abad yang lalu.
Economy is one thing. The standard of our education system is another. So what do we get when we add both of the factors together?
The global economy is showing signs of minor recession, if not a serious one. This kind of "invisible hand" can't be control by us. However, the quality of education is man-made and is controllable.
If they are really serious in tackling the jobless problem, they shouldn't be doing what they are doing now. They are merely "filling the holes" with silicone paste and certainly can't do this forever because the whole building will collapse one day.
Even a pig knows about this simple scenario. I guess they are even worse than a pig. Long live Umno!
The saying goes: "We will reap what we sow" and the Murphy's Law must come real: "The solution to a problem will definitely breed far potent problems to come".
Instead of taking the bull by the horn and addressed the root problem of incompetence and obsolescence of the dysfunction system, the system managers chose to patch the pot holes by using inorganic substitutions.
The main concern of Umno is that unemployed graduates pose a source of resentment that could lead to momentum for opposition and critics such as Dr Mahathir especially.
Anyone ever wonder why government invest in education really? In ancient times, education was entirely private and the realm of the privilege, and truly talented. People did not complain because agric-based societies could sustain themselves that way and did not know better.
With industrialization and now service economies, value of labour becomes very low and cannot keep the population employed. So the primary reason why government invest in education seriously is - firstly to keep young people occupied and secondly employed.
The priority to create high value labour force is really secondary in feudal societies and that is what we have a feudal society with a veneer of modernity.
So you can argue blue to your face, they will not deal with it the way you think it should because so long as there is money in the kitty and especially they don't have to be accountable to be people that pay those taxes and funds, they will keep day-dreaming and hope beyond hope and waste rather than pay the price of progress, modernity and justice.
Most of the unemployed who for one reason or other can't find jobs within 6 months to a year typically belong to the shitty pool.
These lots who probably shouldn't have qualified for university in the first place will now be part of our civil service and we can hope (and pray) that they will "improve efficiency".
Under the Asean scholarship scheme, Singapore offers about 60 pct of its pre-university places to Mainland China students. The rest is given to Indians, Malaysians, and even to Vietnamese.
Then they take care of the pre-university students needs with counseling, dinner, interview with GLCs - everything to make the students stay and become Singaporean ambassadors, if not Singaporean citizens.
What do we do in Malaysia? We turn down the straight A students for scholarships. We tell many of them they are not wanted. We tell them to sit for the STPM, which is mile more difficult than the government-sponsored matriculation system. Then when they get straight As, we tell many of them we can't offer them courses of their choice.
We lost it more than 20 years ago, not just yesterday. We lost it when Mahathir decided to switch from the English education system to the Bahasa Melayu education system. We lost it when the authorities decided to mess around with qualifications and "kulitfications".
It is a known fact that the Chinese is leading the scientific research. More Chinese is writing journals (research papers) now than before. How can we compete with them when we are not writing enough papers!
It is stupid considering that the Singapore government is giving living allowance or willing to provide scholarship to study there, yet in our own backyard, Malaysia doesn't seem to appreciate us who work full time yet get nothing.
All the government know about brain drain is accused people of not patriotic but did they know how hard we are suffering, and how near the heaven is (Singapore)! Of course BN will not take action on it because there are still some countries behind us, we are not the worst, yet.
If you were to pour billions into our universities, we will still get third rate products. Money is one thing. Good manager and Personnel is another.
If we continually appoint, promote and recruit professors according to race, only God can help us improve our ranking. If and only if we dare change our policy by doing away all this racial thinking, we can think of ranking top 100 in the world.
Come on. Please do not compare to China Taiwan. You should take Congo, Sudan or Zimbabwe. We are much more advanced and superior than those in education. They can't produce anything - at least we still can produce 50k graduates without works after finishing their studies in top local universities.
Forget about globalisation. Our Malaysia country can't even sort out internal multi-culturalism. Searching for the best person for the job is too much.
Why not have a major breakthrough and break another glass ceiling for racial harmony in Malaysia? At least consider all qualified Malaysians irrespective of race as UM vice chancellor (VC) to be. Not just a list of malay candidates! So insulting to the 'Malaysia Truly Asia' slogan.
A really good VC will implement meritocracy in the truest sense of the word. Of course this will not be sympathetic to the malay Agenda. I think the powers that be is fully aware of this and will not dare to hire somebody outside their race.
That is why we have brain drain. Who want to work in a place where there is no prospect and your destiny is designed by the color of your skin .The sky is not the limit here - your skin color is. It doesn't hurt that must if you are in other countries, but to be treated like that in your own country……….it really sucks.
If this country is to progress and the dominant race is to advance to a higher level, the politicians will have to discard their current mindset first. No use talking about first class mindset when their very own mindset is narrow and selfish. To them everything is about race, their race that is.
Firstly the prime minister must have first-class mentality, so that he can lead the country towards excellence. So far we are not yet to see that in Pak Lah.
Those in power still have this Ketuanaan Melayu mindset. Therefore to get somebody other than their race is not on their agenda. All this talk should to have a first class mindset is you guessed it, talk only.
Umno Youth leader will come out with his keris if any other than a malay is appointed VC of the country premier university. There is no way, not in a million years, will a non-malay be a bank negara governor, chief justice, state secretary, vice chancellor, etc etc.
This is malay pride and racial pride supercedes national priorities in this country
Malaysia is now what Germany used to be in the Second World War under the reign of Hitler. As what person has mentioned, the malay pride is at stake.
The world had never seen an ethnic race with such an inferiority complex. They are forever afraid of losing out to other races. Sigh!
Bolehland is too full of wishful 'Boleh' such that too many are hallucinating and no longer acknowledge reality of globalisation.
Just like economic developments, where we were once on par with the likes of Korea, today we are ranked in the lowly hundreds while Korea are playing in the World Cup. The same malaise will happen to any VC if he is of the 'wrong' race.
Until and unless there is that confidence that the best person has been selected and that person should be allowed to do his/her job, anyone in that position would be subjected to all kinds of interference as pointed out.
Over the decades, the government has proven to the world that malays are up to the mark for all positions of importance. There is therefore no need to put up malay candidates just to show that malays can perform.
The government has confirmed that meritocracy is the guide for student enrolment and staff recruitment into universities. The person sitting on the post would have to follow that policy. There is therefore no hidden agenda to be secretly carried out by the trusted person of specific racial origin.
Do the right thing by appointing the best person to any job.
To get ahead in the world today, China has taken steps to encourage its citizens to master English and the Chinese are taking it like fish to water. Likewise, the Americans have no choice but to master Mandarin.
Bill Gates and Steven Jobs have already said that the first wave of the Internet language is almost over, i.e. English. It is time to prepare for the second wave, Mandarin.
And what do we have here? Still hanging on to the notion that Bahasa Melayu is the lingua franca of the world even as events are unfolding before their very eyes that thousands upon thousands of graduates could not get employed because of their inability to grasp the English language.
Where is the pragmatism for change? Even the hardcore communists like the Chinese have to finally gave in, swallow their pride and do what is best for the nation. Today, they call the shots and America has to kowtow to them. China does not need a military adventure but an economic one will do just fine. From the looks of it, our people here will never go for a change. The Mathematics and Science in English is nothing more than a cosmetic change.
It is a funny world we live in. The Americans and British are falling over each other to master Mandarin, and the Chinese are learning English at a rapid pace. And here what are we doing? Learning Our Bahasa Melayu. Good luck Malaysians. Won't be long we will all be left behind.
Our politicians think there is something to gain from making racial and religious statements at the great expense of Malaysia and its ordinary people.
Sadly, they are right and have been very successful to achieve their narrow, personal and selfish aims. Enormous damage has been done to the social cohesion and progress and development of the country. It is so sorry to see them lagging further and further behind as a result of their inferiority complex. It is more sorry to see that they can trade the future of this country with their inferiority complex.
What is their definition of patriotism? What is morality? What is integrity? What is……….
Generations have been brought up with this totally unacceptable and unhealthy environment. It would take generations to resolve and heal this damage.
This bumis/non-bumis dichotomy is a well-entrenched policy which is here to stay for a long long time and eventually lead the country to ruin.
Face it, the easy part of it can be done is removing the legal discrimination, the damage is so overdone now, it may take forever to change the cultural discrimination that has been infused.
Having said that, money has to be spent on education. Only with world-class education and grasp of the global world can we have better ties with other countries. This will invariably lead to more business opportunities and a robust knowledge based economy.
I am a Malaysian who work and travel in both Malaysia and China over the past 12 years, spending about half of my time in China, so I am in a good position to make a judgment on some question: "Anti-Corruption - is Malaysia trailing behind China?"
The answer is "Yes".
Corruption? Malaysia is one of the most corrupted nation in the world as far as I am concerned. Thanks to Umno, Mahathir, and BN, Malaysia will continue to be corrupted and will rot in corruption.
The problem with this country is that, whatever these people touch, they screw it up - for personal, political gain!
The prime minister also lied to the people promising to eradicate corruption in the last election. We all know now that no one in the BN can be trusted, as they are all plagued with an incurable disease similar to aids called corruption.
Corruption has been practiced for so long it is now one of the dominant genes of Malaysia politicians.
Umno with its system of patronage will simply collapse without gift outs - big or small.
Corruption under Mahathir has taken roots which not known insecticide could hope to destroy. Under Abdullah, the roots have been left alone to spread.
Look at how the BN deal with the famous one eye scandal, any more news or follow up, sorry - Malaysians all easy forget.
How can we achieve a transparent and accountability when BN can even set up the IPCMC. ACA is just a useless tool or maybe useful tool against the small fray but certainly not against the BN big fish.
No, this can never happen in Malaysia because corruption is one of the four wheels of the government machinery. Like a car, it cannot move with three wheels.
One more thing - We don't have enough prisons to accommodate all of them and the courts, due to heavy backlog, have no time to hear corruption cases. And Umno will collapse and disintegrate without corruption!
Corrupted Malaysia ministers sure have no pride for Malaysia. What a shame!
In Malaysia, the government has it own way to practice corruption. What we called corruption is not actually corruption for Malaysia government. So we are better off. Sound similar, isn't it?
Don't get me wrong, the level of corruption in China is still high and they still have a wide range of problem to be resolved. But compare to 10 years ago, in terms of the pace of change, the will to change, the direction of change, Malaysia has been unfortunately trailing behind China, and the future looks bleaker for us.
For the Chinese and Indian Malaysians, PAS is no doubt a bigger 'evil' because of the revolutionary changes they would bring to the country.
This despite the rampant corruption and abuse of human rights by the current BN regime.
The real question we should ask is, why have we (Malaysians) ended up in a situation where we have to choose between the lesser of two evils?
The Chinese and Indian Malaysians (as well as the Ibans, Kadazans and the rest) being the minorities, really can't do much.
The question should be posed to the malays instead. It is only when the malays decide to reject the racist and feudalistic Umno as well as the religiously fanatic PAS - can a strong, meaningful alternative focusing on moderate and progressive agenda emerge.
As a Malaysian of Chinese descent, I will vote and support a political party which is multiracial. A party that seeks justice upholds the rule of law and a return to the sacredness of the constitution.
Many matured democracies have seen a change in government many times over. This is proof of a working and healthy democracy. But many Asian countries have not demonstrated this in that they have had the same political party ruling since their independence.
The "ruler" mentality is very strong in the minds of Asians but it has bred corruption, nepotism and stifled progressive thoughts and fresh ideas for the development of the nation.
Often leaders stay on way past their shelf life, scheming and fighting tooth and nail to stay on in power.
It is my hope that Malaysia will be the first among Asian countries to demonstrate maturity in allowing an opposition party to take over the helm of government should the scenario warrant it.
Will there be smooth transition of power and can the security forces be counted on to ensure peace and harmony? We can only wait for the day.
For the Chinese and Indian Malaysians, PAS is no doubt a bigger 'evil' because of the revolutionary changes they would bring to the country.
This despite the rampant corruption and abuse of human rights by the current BN regime.
The real question we should ask is, why have we (Malaysians) ended up in a situation where we have to choose between the lesser of two evils?
The Chinese and Indian Malaysians (as well as the Ibans, Kadazans and the rest) being the minorities, really can't do much.
The question should be posed to the malays instead. It is only when the malays decide to reject the racist and feudalistic Umno as well as the religiously fanatic PAS - can a strong, meaningful alternative focusing on moderate and progressive agenda emerge.
As a Malaysian of Chinese descent, I will vote and support a political party which is multiracial. A party that seeks justice upholds the rule of law and a return to the sacredness of the constitution.
Many matured democracies have seen a change in government many times over. This is proof of a working and healthy democracy. But many Asian countries have not demonstrated this in that they have had the same political party ruling since their independence.
The "ruler" mentality is very strong in the minds of Asians but it has bred corruption, nepotism and stifled progressive thoughts and fresh ideas for the development of the nation.
Often leaders stay on way past their shelf life, scheming and fighting tooth and nail to stay on in power.
It is my hope that Malaysia will be the first among Asian countries to demonstrate maturity in allowing an opposition party to take over the helm of government should the scenario warrant it.
Will there be smooth transition of power and can the security forces be counted on to ensure peace and harmony? We can only wait for the day.
Malaysia has never been in any education race, in the sense of fair and free race, not even locally, let alone globally. The institutions of higher learning served to issue "certificates of fitness" for employment and not to provide education per se.
It is all in a dream or in playing a role in movie until globalisation sets in. The day of reckoning is near. It is unfair that the person who brought the dilemma to his followers enjoyed the image of the saviour without impunity, and yet he claimed that the government of the day was wrong to change the course he had set.
The true enemy for progress in Malaysia is the BN, its management and system……….nothing else. Malaysia will fall further south Singapore due to self inflicting.
Good and proper education is the foundation of a successful multi racial and religious nation. Education is not just about academic results alone. Decades of aggressive and damaging politic of race and religion had a long term and permanent consequences on the country and people.
The incompetent, narrow, selfish and shortsighted leaders had failed Malaysia and its ordinary people for far too long. It is very sad to see a promising country lead by donkeys and monkeys into battle.
We continue to churn out graduates in great numbers. Very soon we will get our name into the Guinness Book of Record for producing the most number of unemployable graduates in the world!
Some of them are now working as domestic servants, office boys, taxi drivers. Obviously something is very wrong with our education system, or is it something else more "cynical"?
No hope for Malaysia. We are slowly and surely going downhill. By year 2020 the whole economy will collapse.
On the contrary (Sorry to deliberate misunderstand one, but this is too good to pass up). Education in Malaysia is all about race. Unfortunately, it is the wrong race. The authorities are more concerned with which race you belong to - Chinese, Indian, Malay, etc. Tell them that we belong to the human race.
Our education system is in backyard. We were behind 30 years and how are we going to catch up. Just propaganda here and there will not bring us anyway. Malaysia is very busy brainwashing the students and not teaching them how to brainstorm to solve problems!
We lost it long ago and nothing left.
Ask all malay pig go back to Indonesia.
The malay pig make Malaysia become rubbish country. Without malay pig in Malaysia - Malaysia country will become same as Singapore or Taiwan.
Where malay pig came from? Indonesia? Arab? Africa? What happened to our Orang Asli? They are the original settlers here, they should be the true real bumiputras. Not the babiputras we have here.
What is wrong with the babiputras? Highest crime rates, highest divorce rates, highest number of criminals, highest number of drug users, highest number of rapists.
A genetically flawed race (babiputras) cannot be fixed by politically.
What have we got now?
Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.
Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay pig to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?
It makes no difference whether I am a Chinese, Indian or for that matter, anyone else, even a Mat Salleh. I am speaking as a human being to a malay pig like you.
If you malay pig don't like the non-malays here, then go back to Sumatra, Jawa, or wherever your ancestors came from, and give this land back to its rightful master, the Orang Asli.
If Malaysia is to divide into two countries with malay pig taking the east, and the west to the Chinese and the Indians - watch that the malay pig starting to migrate to the west illegally for a better future.
It is no wonder Singapore is a country which is 50 years ahead of Malaysia.
You know something - once outside the perimeters of Malaysia, these malay pig are so small in value even a dog has more value than them!
Everything in Malaysia is a joke when it comes to the malay pig. They are laughed at by everyone in this world for being incompetent, lazy, useless morons.
From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malay pig from Indonesia invaded it.
Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia.
Do you think that the Malaysia undergraduates in public universities will truly appreciate the distorted facts in the new textbook by universities? Never will.
Due to the stipulations by the higher education ministry and the government, most of them will just treat the subject merely as a passing subject in order to gain a degree from their respective universities.
The students in universities are mature enough to judge what is wrong and right. With the advent of ICT, the students can easily determine facts from propaganda infused to the young generations. The latest move by the higher education ministry is just a hype that will gradually evanesce from the memory of the public not long after.
These textbook are simply another government agenda to reign in the youth to be close minded enough so what Umno fears will never become true. What is their worst fear? Being on the opposition side, of course.
The worst part of this is - it will probably be tested. Due to the rote learning system of Malaysia, students will inevitably memorise these false statements, and over time, forget thinking about the facts, and eventually only remember these false ones.
Don't think its possible? Well, ask any recent years SPM graduates. They can tell you everything in the textbook and still not know the actual facts.
Hence, the aim of learning is once again defeated. So much for ethnic relations. Once again, these gobbles succeeded in spreading false propaganda and news. Congrats.
Seems like a plot from George Orwell's 1984. Rewriting and distorting the history for their own benefits.
This is most unforgiven if the textbook is supposedly written by responsible academic scholars representing the academia!
It is so sad to say that nowadays most of the academics in our institutions of higher education no longer subscribed to the elusive and difficult path of searching for truth and knowledge but too busy looking and kowtowing for favours as a despicable and cheap way to success and promotion.
I blame the system of education and the politics of our country for this dastardly behaviour.
It is one result of the unrealistic, short-term approach that many of those in charge of government policy and educational institutions adopt. Where they treat academia as an adjunct to their own ideological goals.
It is really sad how our politicians can sacrifice the integrity of academics for the sake of fulfilling their political agendas.
You know very well the level or bench marking of Malaysian scholars nowadays. You must remember the scholars today in our universities not like those we had in 60s and 70s.
Oh man……….if only you are lucky enough to attend the tutorials and lectures at various Malaysia universities. You will be sorely disappointed not only at the quality of lecturers but also their presentations.
They no longer make lecturers nowadays who are willing to go the extra mile for the sake of knowledge and so proud of their knowledge. This country has really gone to the dogs!
"The malays are lazy, the Indians cannot be trusted, and the Chinese are greedy………."
The above statements said a lot of things about the unity in this Malaysia country. The statement implied a great failure on the part of government through the government policies in share, education (the major one), contract giving, and so on. You can name it.
Through the "divide and rule" policies, each race become suspicious to one another and result was the above finding.
After 50 years, the nation is more divided and a lot of money wasted due to bad and irresponsible decisions.
The past administration policies are divisive and failed in most areas. Wealth not properly distributed. Backbone of the economy, being the small to medium size businesses, ignored.
Our Malaysia reporters and editors all do great injustice to us and to our future generations. We no longer publish the truth but half-and no-truths, propaganda and slants. The press misinforms. They all have secret agendas. A noble profession has turned into the oldest profession. Oh woe!
See, journalism is no more a profession in this Malaysia country. It is just another occupation for BN pet poodles, hangers-on, mercenaries, and profit motivated businessmen.
Bottom line is all 50 years under the cover of representing their communities, they have forged the faustian bargain of public positions for a share - even crumbs - for a seat on the gravy train, not daring to push for their constituencies interest beyond the point of the other side's showing displeasure so as not to jeopardize the other side's patronage in dispensing a bit of the power, largesse and influence.
That I submit is the real public immorality. Not hugging or kissing on the parklands.
I can personally relate to those who choose to leave for greener pastures. As a local undergraduate, I am seriously contemplating leaving the country to somewhere where I could be given the best opportunity to grow and succeed.
And why is that? Simply because time and time again I'd been denied my deserved and rightful places in either government scholarships or universities, whereas scores of 'privileged' people get offered courses because of the racial policies.
I honestly see no future in staying and trying to change things. Who knows, maybe the love of my motherland would keep me here, but my patience is wearing thin.
Maybe the Malaysia government should run a check on how many students in NUS and NTU now are Malaysians, rejected by local Malaysia education system. They were forbidden their opportunity even though they were the best of the best.
Frankly, time and time again, the politicians and those in power have embarrassed Malaysia and its citizens. We are so much more capable to achieve bigger successes in the eyes of the world, but yet we aim for the short-term ones.
Most of our Malaysia university courses are still in Bahasa Melayu and the embarrassing truth is that a large majority of our lecturers, including those with PhD and trained in English speaking countries, cannot speak and write proper English.
Don't believe me? Just go to UM and attend one of the professor inaugural lectures. Listen to the chairman introducing the speaker in English. Then you tell me whether it is fair to say, 'Why can't our local graduates speak and write proper English?' Just for our local graduates? How about their lecturers in our local universities?
Don't blame the poor academics, not their fault as they are the wonderful products of our government lame policy - we reap what we sowed. Amen!
Someday when 8 out of 10 Malaysians young adults shun our local universities - that is the heyday of Malaysians 2020 vision. Why? Disappointed students will leave our motherland to other countries for their higher education. And what Malaysia can offer? Better salary to woo them back? Yah RM1800 for local undergraduates?
It really breaks my heart to see how dimwitted and shortsighted these supposedly 'intellectual' academics can become. Woe is Malaysia education going down the drain.
Since NEP, the gap between Malaysia and Singapore deepen, and this clearly proves what Malaysia government has done so far. The main problem is the Umno warlords have abused the NEP to such an extent that the intended recipients, poor rural malays never reaped the benefits. Therefore they justified the retention of this policy.
Sometimes I wonder, do these political bigwigs actually take us people as idiots or what? I'd really like to see a government that is competent and fair for a change, but that is not going to be possible if everyone conveniently forgets about all these dumb things, the government did - when they go to the polls in the next election and give them another overwhelming majority win.
For the non-malays, who most of them were the best of their faculties in Cambridge, were not required to work off their bonds. They were told to just wait for six-months and they would be free. And now, they are i-Bankers in London, New York and so on, without any real plan to come back Malaysia.
The brain drain problem will continue on and on until those Umno warlords acknowledge their role in perpetuating the NEP as their personal cash-cow.
If you want further brain drain of local talents, keep the way as it was now. I shall stand tall and look down on you.
with people like aston trying to play up racial tone like one of the comment in this blog, i can see UMNO will further use this kind of irresponsible mumble and creating wider nation disparity for its political gain.
hidup buruh
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