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~ faisal mustaffa online ~
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Amnesty International launches global campaign against internet

Amnesty International is today going global with a campaign on internet repression. The campaign aims to claim back the web as a force for change in the face of an increasing willingness on the part of technology companies to aid censorship and repression. The internet's for change is being undermined -- by governments unwilling to tolerate this free media outlet, and by companies willing to help them
repress free speech.
We are calling on internet users across the world to sign a pledge calling on all governments and companies to respect internet freedom. The online pledges will be collected and presented to a key UN meeting on the future of the internet in November 2006. Go to http://www.aimalaysia.org
To coincide with the launch of the international campaign, Amnesty International is releasing a report about the role of Yahoo!, Microsoft and Google in internet repression in China. For those who are interested in obtaining the full report, please contact our office at 03-79552680 or aimalaysia@aimalaysia.org
For more on the report and campaign please go to http://www.aimalaysia.org
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